Would I be able to make a no skybox map

Top sporing fungi

L1: Registered
Mar 12, 2022
by encasing entities in buildings with filter all brushes or doors (idk if they can seal leaks which is why I made this post)
I wanna make a "void" end of the world type of map for tf2c (so hammer 2008), in the CTF gamemode. If all these parameters are met, would I be able to do it?


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
You don't have to go to that extreme if you want to seal a map. You can seal it with nodraw brushes and players will see the void/'hall of mirrors effect'. As long as no tools/sky textures are visible to the player.

I recommend _against_ using the void in a major way as it can be very uncomfortable to view. In small amounts, you could try it but I suspect it would be distracting during combat. You may be better off using a collection of effects to convey the idea of the void, such as dark blue smoke, particles, pitch black holes, DSP effects with lots of reverb, func_reflectiveglass, refractive textures etc.

The Asylum

If you want a black void effect without the LSD simulator, use the toolsblack texture