Why do my map suck?

Oct 6, 2008
vary the buildings/props don't put verything @ 90 degreess put in some rocks, tressels, mining carts, etc.

All your trees are together but what gives with the layout? they all 100 % verticle - either put them in tight so they look like something or pread them out a bit more - they just look plain wierd like that and give the odd tree a 5-10 degree angle - some could even be 90 - just bury it 1/2wat into the ground. put some rocks with them too - pine trees love to grow around rocks where I live.

What's with the skyscraper in a canyon setting?

And lastly what's with the shack in the bend? if you're going for realism - look at it from an engineering/business perspective - if you were going to put down a railway - which is HUGELY EXPENSIVE - you wouldn't put in that snake turn for a shack - you'd tear it down and put in a 90 degree curve further over to the left of it - relace it with some type of huge rock or something immovable - allow people to believe in the realism of your map - give them a reason as to why the engineers (you are the engineer in this case) have to make a detour instead of blowing the s*** out of something to make it cheaper to operate.

Hope this helps - I got a lot of feedback to make my maps better - and even though I'm learning more all the time I still have a long way to go to get to some of the skill levels I see here on the site and if we both continue the practice - maybe we can both get there.