
ARENA Underpass A7ARF


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022
Seacat08 updated Underpass with a new update entry:

Someday they'll read about the world we've created

-Added more new graffiti
-Added player markers that show when there's 60 seconds left on the clock
-Added temporary music for the countdown and jail cell (Splatoon 1 - Now or Never and the Wii shop channel banner theme respectfully)
-Updated misc geo
-Fixed a bug with the jail cell door that could allow players to prevent it from opening
-Detailed a bit

Read the rest of this update entry...
May 22, 2020
Accidentally lost the typeup I had but I wanted to share a bit of feedback outside of the TF2 chat:
  • When some of our team tried to hold out as red by grouping from our spawn, there was some fun in working together to preserve eachother's lives and succeeding against an unfair matchup of infinite blus. However, that fun is somewhat inaccessible cuz your teammates CAN respawn and you should be doing that instead of focusing 100% on staying unkilled.
  • The gamemode overall biases toward lightweight, lonely, and cowardly classes and loadouts on blu's part, as running away is the best defense. Red thusly has to match blue's dispersion by also playing fast and light classes that can reach and chase them..
    • Also biases toward spy for reasons already known.
  • It's okay if players aren't "playing the game" in prison really. It just may not be as popular to sit out, but it's fine.
    • I do think the gamemode is more fun to watch than it is to play.
    • Red players in the field also tend to get more fun out of it than blu.
      • It's not much fun to be of the 11/12 players on blu that ISN'T finding the last red player, or being the 12th player that vastly outnumbers the last blu.
      • Red prisoners don't have much to look at.
  • I don't think blu has a fair chance of winning, even if they knew where the last three reds were and you couldn't just switch spawns.
    • Blu has to keep two entirely seperate locations in the map from ever being touched, and must split their team apart to handle them. Red only NEEDs one player to hit the button at any given time and can have anywhere between one player and their entire team ready to throw themselves at ONE of the two buttons.
  • Feels like red's win condition is part of the unfun. I think red players should be trying to have at least half of their team on the streets, not just one guy. It sows division with red players when the last man alive's strategy is not to break out everyone else, so maybe that 'ought not be a winning strategy?


L1: Registered
Sep 16, 2023
Wait, that caption... Is this map themed around Urchin Underpass from Splatoon?


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022
Seacat08 updated Underpass with a new update entry:

I'm beginning to believe. That I can never form my own opinions.

Also updated the button to be a capture zone with a 2 second capture window
Spies are nerfed more
The icons that display at 30 seconds left are fixed now
Fixed some edge case bugs and such
Overall just touched up the mode to get it to work properly now!

There are some things to still add of course and things I want to fix but we've got something working now so good time to test baby!

Read the rest of this update entry...


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022
The logic is not yet fixed fully, we are having a couple issues on the TF2M servers so please be patient it will be up with a patch in the next few days

The Ottogirl

L6: Sharp Member
Dec 4, 2021
You can do the civilian pose with the mad milk as scout, turn on sv_cheats and type cl_drawhud 0 in the developer console, that way you can have no hud and viewmodel stuff in the screenshots