Tyrol Mountain


L2: Junior Member
Sep 18, 2008
Gameday testing notes:


* More overall lighting. I know it's supposed to be rainy and dreary, but there are some areas where it could use a boost, especially in the tunnely-areas. Areas include:
- on track between 2nd and 3rd point, first stage
- BLU spawn, second stage
- last point, second stage (but I suspect it's not complete, geometry wise, yet)
- 2nd and 3rd on the first stage?
- Alright.
- Yep, nowhere near complete

* Stage 1: RED Spawn: Definitely should have more than one small exit, and some signage to the drop to the floor below. Also, BLU probably shouldn't have a ramp that lands them right in front of RED's door, especially w/just the one exit.
Until the issue of the spawn becomes greater, I have no plans on changing it.

* Stage 1, Last Point: There's some grass sticking out of the "hole"
Fixed in a12test7

* Stage 2, First Point: Missing texture behind the desk just after first point
I can't be bothered pakratting it in

* Stage 2, Last Point: No regen cabinets for far RED spawn
Bleh, forgot

* Stage 2, First/Second point: the forward RED spawn's exit is too narrow for anyone to pass through (the one with the elevator door). Are you calling me fat?
I accidentally put the wrong spawn in the func_respawnroomvisualizer ent

EDIT: I was just doing a quick run through solo and I noticed that pushing the bomb to the last point on the second stage just caused it to fall into the hole, and nothing happened. The HUD still shows the cart just before the last point but not moving. There was an explosion during gameday testing, but might want to double-check the triggers.
Works fine for me.

Cool things:

* Style for the most part is well done, definitely captures the rainy day alpine feel
* Bomb train and radioactive pools are cool


For others, I'd love feedback regarding how I could improve the chokepoint-ish area between s1c1 and s1c2 (especially the tunnel)...



Jul 14, 2009
So we played this yesterday on the Euro GD but I'm not sure if it's a newer version? What exactly was changed?

Either way, most players didn't like it. It felt like orange_x (was way too open/big) and didn't have any apparent usable Sentry spots.
It rained inside buildings too, so you might want to use this.

Cinnamon Whirl

L1: Registered
May 9, 2008
^ what he said.

No ammo at all near the last point = no SGs

Lots of giant open enviros. Boring and snipe-y

Giant bridge to nowhere, with a hole at the end.

twisty turny tunnels from spawn.

Ladders - that was a nice idea, but it isnt obvious you can use them. If you read the valve blogs on TF2, they put emphasis on not changing certain things - spawn doors are always the same, for example, so on any map, players know what they are, and whats behind them. This allows the player to concentrate on the important things (sprays, spy crabs, etc). So no-one will know to use your ladders! It was blind luck I found that I could climb them!


L2: Junior Member
Sep 18, 2008
Last point is a WIP.

Second stage is bland for obvious reasons, perhaps not too obvious for the "jesus" guy in the GD.

Ladders I will change later. I like putting easy things in first before adding things like stairs.

About the open environments, I'm trying to fill in space.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 18, 2008
Dear everyone who was complaining about ladders in the Sunday GD,

They were placeholders.

I replaced them a few days before the test.

I get the point after I heard that being complained the first time in the demo.

Thank you.

*DEAD* petercrab : I think this map is not pro
Thanks! This isn't a professional job! I don't make maps as a profession!


And the big sign in stage two was intended for the idiots who somehow make it into the GD.


And to all people who think stage two is small. It is going to have two caps.
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Apr 19, 2009











L2: Junior Member
Sep 18, 2008
I'm really unsure on what to do with the cliffside building...
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Bermuda Cake

L9: Fashionable Member
Feb 20, 2009
Cool looking map! It certainly deserves more attention, and it could then well flourish into a beautiful rain drenched
flower of a payload.

Looks quite open at some points, however.
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