
CP Turnstile A2


Professional Drywall Licker
Jun 27, 2019
Switchgeer submitted a new resource:

Turnstile - Playing Rock Paper Scissors? Using Control Points???

Tired of playing the usual Control Point maps? Want a new, possibly convoluted spin on the gamemode?
You don't? Well, too bad! You're getting it anyway!

Welcome to Turnstile! Home of the debut gamemode; Control Points: Rock Paper Scissors!
Swap Between Attack and Defense as you fight to be the winning Team in this oversized game of Ro-Sham-Bo! Winners of such interaction just have to hold onto their winning matchup until time runs out. That means defending the point you're weak to!

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Professional Drywall Licker
Jun 27, 2019
Switchgeer updated Turnstile with a new update entry:

Version A2

Shortened space between Rock and Paper
Brought Rock's Paper connector into the main room
Lowered Paper's balcony, and brought it towards mid to add upper connector to Scissors
Tweaked logic to avoid 'accidental' captures
Retouched Paper geometry to cut down on sightlines
Improved clipping

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