I think you could add alot to it. Would be more fun if it feels like a real enviroment.
Get Boojum Snark's ABS prop library. Its a vmf, you can open along side your map and copy/paste and tf2 object from it.
I agree with SGT Frag. Open up the prop library and populate your level! Even making hanging lanterns or lights would make the space feel a little more resolved.
Also, check out this interview with one of the guys who worked on goldrush and badwater
He's got a lot of great advice. My favorite piece was considering the player and the different classes in every footstep they might take in your level, by placing prop_static or prop_detail ragdolls of the classes where they might be good or strong. It helps you plan out where different classes excel and where you need to do some fine tuning and balancing. Also, placing the ragdolls and building around them really gives you a sense of scale and how to make the player feel.
Just my 2 cents. Keep it up!
Hey, Thanks for the comments. Those we're early screenshots right after I put the lights in I've started adding models, though I couldn't find a lantern. For some reason when I open the prop library and no props show up, I probably did something wrong but I don't see how.
having only looked at your screenshots(dont have a lot of time right now), I would recommend making the rooms feel small. Low cielings, close walls, rafters that bring it all tighter. After all, it is a cave and nobody wants to dig out more than absolutely necessary.
something that would be interesting to see would be making side tunnels really bendy so people just pop out in front of you around corners. could really scare the shit out of people when they are husseling around and someone shows up in their face. But, its just a thought.
Its a fun idea that you have there.
Very true, I still need to do displacements to make it all roundish because nobody digs a square hole like that.

I think with the displacement it should make it feel smaller, I just wanted to get everything else in and working before I went through displacements then found out I have to change something majorly and redo all the displacements. And rafters/supports are likely to come in, if not in the a1 in a release soon after.
I've considered tunnels but I don't plan on including them yet, but I think I will probably add them in later. Crouch tunnels or tunnels you can actually run through?
Added new screenshots, and theres a problem with one of my prop_statics, the rubble it has deep black surrounding it and I have no clue why, perhaps its just the shadowing from the lights?
Thanks for all the feedback I'll try and implement it.