
KotH Timberfort a8


L1: Registered
Feb 23, 2023
Burger submitted a new resource:

Timberfort - King of the Hill map themed around wooden structures.

First ever TF2 map, uses assets from the construction pack (particularly the wood textures). Welcome to timberfort, where everything is made out of wood! Watch out for splinters!



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L1: Registered
Feb 23, 2023
Burger updated Timberfort with a new update entry:

a2 version

Finally, the new version of timberfort is here. I completely revamped the way spawn works, making it MUCH shorter to get to the point, as that was the biggest complaint with a1. I also put player clips above the buildings in mid so they cant be stood on anymore. The spawns also changed position, so now the point is the middle of the map rather than the back of it, and players should be meeting at the point more often instead of the flank.

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L1: Registered
Feb 23, 2023
Burger updated Timberfort with a new update entry:

a4 version

This is the first version where the spawn area hasn't changed! Yayyy! I feel like the placement of the spawn is generally good, and I've gotten good feedback about that. I connected the lower areas below the point to the upper areas near the point so there's more of a purpose to go down there (in addition to the full health pack from last time) I made it harder to get to the upper area across from the point from spawn, as a measure to prevent the enemy from being able to easily spawncamp...

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L1: Registered
Feb 23, 2023
Burger updated Timberfort with a new update entry:

a5 version

Improved clipping, fixed an error that let you get on top of the area above point. Changed some of the wood on the blu side to more neutral wood colors to distinguish it from red spawn. Made it more clear which areas can be stood on and which ones can't, fixed lighting in a few areas, and more minor general improvements and fixes. Definitely the least significant change so far but I feel generally good about the layout at this point. I do want to test it out a few more times before moving to...

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L1: Registered
Feb 23, 2023
Burger updated Timberfort with a new update entry:

a7 version

Made a new flank area, made it more difficult to get to the other side of the map from the ground floor, made it easier to get to the top flank section from the ground floor, re-added the doors to the upper area across the point, but put a 1-way door there so it's much more difficult to spawncamp, added an additional healthpack in the new flank area. Hopefully this new patch will promote more fighting in the actual middle of the map and not just at the spawns or the exits of the spawn area...

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