before I list off the changes I'd just like to say thanks for everyone who actually playtested this map. And although I didn't fix everything yet I've fixed and added a list of things based off your comments and the demo file. Yet again, thanks.
Clipping was fixed - players were able to go where they weren't supposed to go. The biggest example was outside of the map due to an oversite by myself. Those issues have been fixed
Red Dev texture change - it was changed to white due to players saying they were unable to recognize a sniper. Another thing that goes into that is the overscale of the map itself. But I hope this also works until I have the time to change the scaling of the map.
Starting blue spawn change - red players were able to look where blue players spawned whenever the doors opened. Due to this the blue spawn room was adjusted to not allow red players to see spawning players.
Added windows to the blue spawn - blue players at the start of the match were pointing out that they can't see the map outside of the blue spawn. That made it so starting an attack was much more difficult. Due to this windows were added so blue can see the map.
Changes to Red Spawn - The red spawn was increased for many reasons. Firstly it was to small and secondly if the door was open, the blue team could see spawning players on the last point.
Resupply for red - a new resupply cabinet calls the red spawn it's home now. This will allow players who use a building or blast back into it to heal up and grab that shiny metal.
Resupply extensions - all resupply triggers have been extended so players running to them can be helped by them faster.
Building C changes - both one way doors looking at the point changed. One is now just a normal doorway, and the other was moved back, to add more risk to using it.
-windows was added to the new door in building C to allow both teams to loo through before going in.
- glass has been added to the front of building C. This blocks some line of sight and doesn't allow players to crawl through 4 of the 5 windows. You can still crawl through the 5th one though.
- the entirety of the top of building B has been removed from play as it seemed to split up the fights, and there was confusion of if it was actually a play space or not.
Read the rest of this update entry...