Setting up my first map objective...ever.
Rare that I post :O
I'm trying to work a single neutral intel, randomized position, capture the flag, in which teams will score flag points until they reach a certain number, but instead of winning, a new objective for the teams are allotted. The winning flag capper team needing to escape the area by reaching a previously locked point, and the losing flagger team needing to kill all opponents and then escaping the area. All under a time limit activated after the 2 flag captures.
From some help from other people, I have somewhat of an idea what to do for some of the aspects I asked about such as:
-Single Neutral Intel with no penalties and no messed up kill counter that doesn't activate win upon capture (due to HUD problem) - koth type:w00t:
-Randomized Location - logic_case:w00t:
-At the capture number (2), a door will be triggered to open, leading to a new area. (trigger + math_counter?):w00t:
What I have no clue about is how to set:
-A trigger set at a designated area that makes the player's team that steps on it win. (Perhaps a trigger with some sort of autowin condition? or an instant capture point?):w00t:
-A restriction on the losing flaggers that don't allow them to activate the win trigger until they have killed all players of the opposing team.:001_huh:
-A timer that overrides the maps default timer after the 2 flag captures. (25 minute mission, upon 2 captures, a 5 minute timer is placed. If no teams win upon 5 minutes it is a stalemate.)
Anyways, this is quite a bit to work with so it may take a world of time, any help would be greatly appreciated, whether it be linking to other topics or 1on1 help.
Thank you for your time,
Cpt. Raem
Edit: Anything marked with a smiley face is now complete. I'm in the midst of setting the team restriction, but I'm having abit of difficulty. I've made triggers surrounding the map for Team Win and Team Lose, assigned filters to that one team and start disabled them, but I need to figure out how to activate the opposite teams filter when one team has reached the math_counter's maximum value of 2. (On Blue reach math counter of 2 points, activate trigger_filter_red.) (On Red reach math counter of 2 points, activate trigger_filter_red.) To put it simply, I need a way to make a math_counter activate only one teams trigger. Unfortunately, a math_counter cannot be assigned a team.
Edit 2: I noticed that regardless of the fact that my math_counter has an initial value of 0 and a maximum value of 2 that when it hits max value, it does not make the flag disappear as I had set it. Instead of disappearing at 2, it disappears at 3.