- Jun 16, 2010
- 1,186
- 712
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Source: TF2.com
- Fixed a dedicated server crash related to the new map sd_doomsday_event and server-wide curses
- Fixed Blue team hearing the win audio instead of the lose audio when Red gets the tickets to the Strongmann machine
- Fixed grenade projectiles doing more damage than expected
- Fixed players changing team to respawn outside of their cart while playing a minigame
- Fixed players being able to use the Eureka effect while in their bumper car
- Fixed a bug that let Engineers move faster while carrying a building
- Fixed the Spycicle not giving the Spy fire resistance
- Fixed The Manngaroo itemset including the wrong item
- Updated the equip_region for the Vaccinator and Quick-Fix
- Fixed a bug where players would not get a kill credit for turning another player in to a ghost
- Updated player ghosts to always use team color
- Updated the new TargetID system
- Added Advance Option and ConVar to disable floating health icon (tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health)
- Added Advance Option to control the alpha of TargetID nameplate
- Fixed not showing for disguised enemy Spies
- Fixed showing the health of cloaked Spies
- Fixed not hiding the panel when players are no longer visible
- Added ConVar tf_weapon_criticals_melee to control whether melee weapons have random crits. Works separately from tf_weapon_criticals.
- Fixed the knife not playing its backstab animation when crits are disabled
- Fixed round-end crits not working when tf_weapon_criticals is set to zero
- Updated sd_doomsday_event
- Added spell pickups near the ticket case spawn
- Reduced mega spell respawn time from 90 seconds to 45 seconds
- Fixed curses occurring in bumper car minigames
- Fixed players being able to boost their bumper cars early
- Increased the damage that bumper cars receive from collisions
- Players can no longer suicide when in a Bumper Car
- Replaced large ammo kits near the Strongmann machine with spells
- Reduced ammo kit size on the bridge from full to medium
- Updated HHH to use a giant Necro Smasher when attacking players
- Platform game:
- Fixed Merasmus giving instructions in the platform game when it gets to the final platform
- Center tent pole now vanishes when the final platform is reached
- Soccer game:
- Added HHH, spawns 45 seconds into the match
- Duck game:
- Increased max score to 200
Source: TF2.com