Freyja submitted a new resource:
Sulfur-Type Logic Prefab - Logic prefab for cp_sulfur gamemode
Place the contents of "mapsrc" folder in the location where you save your VMFs
Place the contents of "tf/scripts/vscripts/" in your '\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\scripts\vscripts\' folder
If you're installing an updated version, make sure to delete the old version's folder beforehand!
Free to use for any non-commercial maps, or deriviatves such as videos, artwork, etc.
If you submit a map using these assets to the TF2 Workshop, or any other workshop, please credit Sarexicus for use of his scripts. If the asset is used in a map officially included in TF2 the authors must be correctly compensated.
It is not permitted to redistribute, reupload any assets within this pack without permission from myself or Sarexicus.
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Sulfur-Type Logic Prefab - Logic prefab for cp_sulfur gamemode
Place the contents of "mapsrc" folder in the location where you save your VMFs
Place the contents of "tf/scripts/vscripts/" in your '\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\scripts\vscripts\' folder
If you're installing an updated version, make sure to delete the old version's folder beforehand!
Free to use for any non-commercial maps, or deriviatves such as videos, artwork, etc.
If you submit a map using these assets to the TF2 Workshop, or any other workshop, please credit Sarexicus for use of his scripts. If the asset is used in a map officially included in TF2 the authors must be correctly compensated.
It is not permitted to redistribute, reupload any assets within this pack without permission from myself or Sarexicus.
VMF map file and associated vscripts to reconstruct the gamemode found in cp_sulfur
This is the latest version of logic from the in-game version
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