Strawberry Fields

Feb 14, 2008

Gametype: PLR
Players: 12-32
Recommended players: 16
Scoring mode: 1 point per round won
Author: Alex "Randdalf" Gulliver

Map description

A standard PLR map. Alpha 1 currently only features 1 stage.

Recommended config file (public play)

mp_maxrounds 5
mp_winlimit 0

Revision History (DD/MM/YY)

Alpha 1 01/02/09:-

My contest entry. Currently only has one stage, which may turn out to be too small (heck it'd make a great arena map).
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Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Strawberrrrrry fielllllllds foreeeeeeevvvvvver...
Feb 14, 2008
For your viewing pleasure, I took all three screenshots again.


im birb
Apr 14, 2009
The building where the track meets, instead of fences up top, i would do a wall with huge windows, looks better

As for the layout it really felt too small and a general clusterpoop of dm (then again plr is like that)

Demos found it too easy to spawncamp
Feb 14, 2008
The building where the track meets, instead of fences up top, i would do a wall with huge windows, looks better

As for the layout it really felt too small and a general clusterpoop of dm (then again plr is like that)

Demos found it too easy to spawncamp

I'm definately going to do some drastic changes to make it larger and stop spawn camping a bit, however, I don't think size was actually that much of a problem; even with 8v8, it never stalemated in the 5 rounds that were played.

Also, these new smileys are pretty cool :woot:


L1: Registered
Jan 22, 2009
We just played this on our 32 man server. Waaaaaay too small for large numbers. Basically whoever pushed the hardest out of the gate won shortly after. That and it's pyro heaven.
Feb 14, 2008
We just played this on our 32 man server. Waaaaaay too small for large numbers. Basically whoever pushed the hardest out of the gate won shortly after. That and it's pyro heaven.

Yes. I'm making it bigger. Thanks anyway :)


L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
We played this last night. The rounds went really fast but it played well. Being the first stage I don't think the quick cap will be an issue. I will say that you are going to want to be careful about crossing the tracks. We were testing one of the other plr contest maps that had crossing tracks and the trains got stuck on eachother and could not be moved.

I think that the lower ratings could be accounted for given the really short map and quick cap. People were only able to spawn a few times and the round was over so it was hard to get into the game. As the rest of the stages get added, I'm sure the ratings will go up.

Also, I think this map is the map where out all talk started to turn to the evening crowed. I think this was when the moviefone guy was on our server and we had him saying all sorts of hilarious things. Probably not extraordinarily helpful but it is definitely worth a laugh.

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Feb 14, 2008
So, my plan for this map now, is to completely ditch the original setup and layout, and create a single-stage plr map with the same name.

I'm halfway through getting the layout down, which is quite difficult, as there are no references on how it should be layed out. I'm thinking the one I have currently is a little narrow, but time will tell.

The map will have intermediate CPs (assuming the HUD supports it, if not, then I'm buggered), 3 for each team to capture. Whoever captures these first wins. The obvious problem to overcome is the spawning system, I need to give each team a fair chance at each possible iteration of the map. Therefore, I plan the following system:
  • Both teams spawn behind the point which is to be captured next by the team furthest forward.
  • If a team is steamrolling, they will recieve an incrementally higher spawn time, based on the number of CPs they have more than the other team, and the losing team a lesser spawn time (magnitudes based on Mr. Casali's point of neutrality method). The problem I forsee, is that one team will be defending and attacking simultaneously, and one attacking... but if I can keep the walk distances similar to those in pipeline, maybe this will be less of a problem.
  • At the start of each round, both teams spawn for one time only right at the start of the map.

However, only testing can tell if this will work. Therefore, I leave you with this "teaser" screenshot of what I've layed out so far.


N.B. I haven't done the tracks yet, but I do know where they will be placed.

N.B.B. FPS Config fully loaded!


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
I'm pretty sure the PLR HUD doesn't support multiple CPs as I tested that myself a few days ago. :(

You could always adjust the spawn times based on how many path_tracks have been passed within a certain time limit.
Feb 14, 2008
I'm pretty sure the PLR HUD doesn't support multiple CPs as I tested that myself a few days ago. :(

You could always adjust the spawn times based on how many path_tracks have been passed within a certain time limit.

Hm that might severely bugger up plans, I'll test just to make sure, but then I might have to rethink... again.