
KotH Stallone b2


Finisher of Maps
Oct 29, 2010
A guy did a 4v4 guide to this map, which is totally interesting. It's really obvious that he did straight up no prior research before hitting record, but that just makes his discovery you can stand on the roofs even better.

Kinda confused that he's covering b1. Is b1 or b2 being played in UGC?

yeah some of his reactions were amazing.
I didn't get b2 done in time sadly which was a bit annoying as I did a lot of work making it look pretty.


Comfortably mediocre
Dec 21, 2010
I'll be playing this map in the 4s tournament soon. You should totally place some secret crit boosters and only tell me where they are :333

Jokes aside, i played it a bit with some friends, and we found something that kinda bugs me.


The big wall on the right side of my crosshair will allow you to rocket jump straight onto the roof of the capture point. On the blu side, this is significantly harder because it's mirrored. This is quite a big deal for the rollouts.

If there was something for a blu soldier to jump off, it'd probably be fine. Right now, a blu soldier will have to navigate past some stairs and walls with overhangs above them before he can find something to jump off reliably. I found that the most effective rollouts to that roof included two rocket jumps for RED, but three rocket jumps for BLU.
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Finisher of Maps
Oct 29, 2010
So Stallone was also my University Project which is why I did a lot of work on it in a short amount of time, After weeks of waiting and it being in an exhibition.
I am happy to say I got a Distinction which is the highest grade!


Thanks to everyone who gave feedback and testing!
Will be updating this more once the Pacific stuff is happening.