*spoiler* Getting the new medic weapons by cheating


L3: Member
Feb 15, 2008
I must agree totally with Youme's opinion.

So I don't have to write my thoughs again, here is a quote for my post regarding this on another forum (my local server forum).

(I didn't want to chage it all around, otherwise I could have just stated again, no swearing, but...)


Ok...My thoughts...

I was looking forward to getting the unlocks etc, but now I am questioning valve and others.

I found out on another server (in that dead period of the CnB day) that people have discovered a way to unlock all the medic achievements without actually doing them.

This pissed me off, greatly.
I like to play medic, and it is one of my best classes, I knew that once they came out there would be alot of medics on the server but so what I'll wait a bit if need be.
Then people started cheating to get the achievements, I it made me think about the people playing the game.
Ok understandable there are some n00bs who MUST HAVE them right away
but WTF!
I didn't expect people on this server to use them, I always thought that this was a server for real players and good player not just stupid turds, and this I why I keep playing here and don't move to a more local server where I can get a better ping.

They were made for people to earn, the people who worked hard and enjoyed the class. It annoyed me a bit when they made the 10mil heal a 1mil heal because it meant that people could relativly easily get them in a short peroid of time, whereas if you needed 10mil it showed some commitement to the class.
IMO not everybody should be able to unlock everything when all the classes get the unlock, if you are good at a class then yes, if not work harder. If most people could only get unlocks for 3 or 4 classes the old stuff would still have a place, now it seem the unlocks will replace the old weapons and make them so pointless they are not worth having in the game.

I think asking others on your team to help you get the achievements is ok, as so is holding back a little (eg not getting into danger when tring to heal 10k in one life).
Asking people on other teams is going too far, like asking someone to go spy and allow themselves to be killed. This is just a cheap way for players that are not good enough to do it properly to get the unlocks.
Outright cheating through use of console...Sigh...I didn't think people on this server would drop so low.

Anyone elses views ???
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Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
Blah blah blah achievements blah blah blah achievements blah blah achievements.

You realize nobody who has been farming or using console commands cares one lick about the achievements, right? Achievements are silly, insignificant things, and the people who complain about someone else getting an achievement without "earning" it are completely and totally missing the point.

I would be more than happy to completely ignore achievements and let those masochists who care about them spend their time and effort jumping through hoops to get them, if the achievements hadn't been stupidly tied to content that should be by default available to everyone.


Dec 5, 2007
They should separate the achievements from the new weapons 100%

I actually played medic today and as I like playing medic I want to try out the new weapons to see how the dynamics change, and I don't want to rush the achievements because I'm not a stat whore, however these two intrests completly opose each other. Since they are linked the fact they opose each other is causing me to ignore one of my desires in favour of the other, which is ruining the medic for me.
Whilst I don't want to just be given new weapons I don't want them to be held away from me by these achaivements, I want them to be completely separate things so that I can persue both at my own pace, not persure one at the pace of the other.

So - The achievements are totally wasted on everyone who wants the weapons.
On top of this - the game has been ruined for players playing other classes by those who want the new weapons.

Basicly They fucked up.

Goldrush however - is fantastic. I had a test of my own payload map and its gone down really well (posibly the first publicly tested custom payload map???)