Spawn Times


L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
I need some help, when I configure my spawn times with the basic entitys (onmapspawn setblue red spawn wave 10 -10) and when the first point is capped I say red spawn adjus in the trigger capture area = -14 what results ingame in 20 seconds spawn.

Now on gameday and other test servers... this doesn't turn out how I wanted it, red spawn time is getting doubled and weird things happen too with the spawn times. Is there any way to say to the game, dont do stupid, I want these spawn times and these only?

How do you manage your spawn times?


L1: Registered
Apr 16, 2008
It's my understanding that the spawn time values have a standard deviation multiplier of x * y * z, where x varies by how long you've been alive, how recently you've killed someone (y), and the values you're modifying (z) like respawnwavetime, etc.

What I've observed is that with larger timers, the standard deviation effect is amplified. So (as an example) something like a 1.5 multiplier, which when your respawnwavetime is set at 2 means 3, but at 10 means 15 and at 20 means 30. You can observe this yourself with any value of the respawnwavetime over 4 seconds, just 'kill' (suicide) twice in a row, and you'll see the value amplified.

I'll take a quick look through the source and see if there is any evidence to back up my observations, but the short version is, I manage the deviations by keeping the number low. I know, that's not what you want to hear, but that's my answer for the moment.


L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
I see, that would be a logical explaination. Good, will mess with that a bit :)


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 12, 2008
Yea, I don't like that respawn wave time thing, its really confusing :( I wish you could just set the wavetime in seconds, or at least a percentage of 20 seconds