Snowycoast Nav Mesh (Standalone Edition)

Snowycoast Nav Mesh (Standalone Edition) v1

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Katsu! :3 submitted a new resource:

Snowycoast Nav Mesh (Standalone Edition) - Enjoy Snowycoast from the comfort of your private server, with bots!

After many trials and tribulations, here commeth the great Snowycoast nav mesh! If you've played with bots before in TF2, you may or may not know that normally bots don't work on Snowycoast! This is due to the map not generating a nav mesh for the map properly. And that's where this comes in! This completely fixes that issue and provides you a standalone nav mesh that's full complete and as optimized as possible for bots to use! I quite hope you enjoy this one, as it took a while to full...

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