Small but helpful tools to make things quicker!


Mar 15, 2025
Not much of a guide, but helpful for when you wondered "man surely there is a quicker way to do XYZ"

1. Selecting overlapping objects: For example, a train has both a trigger_hurt and func_tracktrain, but clicking it will only select one! How do we select without moving the other? Simple! Use MMB (Middle Mouse Button) while over the two objects. It will keep going to the next layer until there is no more object then starts over. Very helpful!

2. My map is leaked, but I don't know where it's leaking from! Use Map > Load Pointfile. If it asks you to "Load Default Pointfile" it's working correctly. When it loads, you will see a red line drawn from your leaking entity to the leak area, and you can patch it there,

3. I have an object named Object1, I wish duplicating it made it Object2. Rather than SHIFT dragging it, try copying it (CTRL + C), and then pasting it with smart pasting (CTRL + SHIFT + V)

This might be basic info for longtime Hammer++ mappers, but it's very handy for anyone new starting out.