
CP Short A3V1A


L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer submitted a new resource:

Short - Condensed beyond belief!

Short is a small 2cp attack defend map, with the points being stacked vertically, with B above A.
This map is my first map back in a while, so bugs may be rampant.
The theme is still undecided but leaning on Granary or Viaduct.

The map is very weird and may not play well, guess we'll find out.

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer updated Short with a new update entry:

Alpha 1A and functioning logic

Sorry for the janky A1 release, but at least we have a playable version now!
Alpha 1A Changelog:
Fixed the non-existence of func_respawnroomvisualizers
Fixed teams not switching on round win
Fixed cp_A trigger size to remain inside the darkened area
AB Connector:
Removed the janky doors/areaportals (You can now walk from A to B before A is capped)
Removed an exit from the right building
Added an exit from the right building that connects to point building
Changed the layout of...

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer updated Short with a new update entry:

Alpha 2! (and a lot of changes because of it!)

Surprisingly, the map plays quite well! (on the parts that got played well (The Rising section and B)
Hopefully it stays this way.
Alpha 2 Changelog:
Remodeled BLU Spawn to fit the new exits
Added an extra area between BLU Spawn and Point A
Increased the respawn time for RED after A is capped by one second
Added more pickups at A to help both RED and BLU
Increased the size of routes leading into B (These are doorways and ramps)
Rebuilt the "Left" building to have more space for...

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer updated Short with a new update entry:


Originally this would have been A3, but it seems too quick to hop between versions so... A2A.
New area between A and B, includes:
-Big Door
-Left Building pushed back and extended
-Right building extended
-Dropdown on Left that closes when A is capped
Removed the constrained path from right building
Attempted some optimization changes
Doors added between new left building and A/B area to prevent confusion (hopefully)
One way doors added at left and right building

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer updated Short with a new update entry:


Removed Dropdown, it is now a stairwell (still gets locked out after A is capped)
Added a door to prevent players from getting into a locked out area
Added more textures to help navigation
Added a window to Right building; this is a quick route from Red's high ground to the building. It is open until A is captured. This also helps BLU look into Red's hold
Made the one-way into Left Building wall clipping unnoticable (Extended the roof next to it to conceal it completely instead of...

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer updated Short with a new update entry:

Alpha 2C and hopefully good gameplay

Many changes, in detail! (most are small)
Fixed players being able to shoot through the sides of the setup doors
-This also was in the one-way doors at B, this is also fixed
More textures to help distinguish areas
Added blockbullet2 to the weird clips separating A and B
Set both RED and BLU respawn to 5 seconds at the start of the round (previous was RED: 4 BLU: 6
Added a door to the quick door exit (this stays open until all players are out; a func_nobuild is enabled once the back...

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer updated Short with a new update entry:

Alpha 2D, a insight and some other stuff idk

Another small iteration for Short
More Textures for easier navigation and visibility
Reverted the change to RED respawn time after A was capped (5s->6s)
Reverted the change to RED's initial respawn time (5s->4s)
Moved the resupply cabinets at BLU (initial) Spawn
Changed a door at RED spawn from a normal to an animated to prevent the model clipping through the roof
Completed the set of locked doors to help prevent RED from using the flanks against BLU (hopefully)
Fixed the...

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021


L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer updated Short with a new update entry:

Alpha 2F

BANDAID Lowered entirety of REDside B by 64 hu to (hopefully) make it less domineering
Pushed RED Spawn Back Slightly
Expanded A Forward Slightly
Slightly Increased RED Respawn Time before A is capped (4s->5s)
Changed the Area outside RED Spawn Slightly
Made more overlays pointing to A
Opened up the Area outside BLU Spawn
-Made the left side go to high ground to help block sightlines and to help BLU take control of their lobby
Lengthened a door at B
Simplified a route

Maybe I...

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L2: Junior Member
Feb 13, 2021
FlyingEngineer updated Short with a new update entry:

Alpha 3 Variant 1

I want to see if the stacked nature of the map can be preserved, if not; guess I will de-stack it.

Added a point between A and formerly B (now C)
-This new point B gives 3:30 time once capped
-This point is located where A and B join
Added a new spawn for both teams at B (starts off as RED, turns BLU once B is capped)
Signage tweaks
Added the letters to the HUD to help navigation
Removed the shortcut from A to C (RED doesn't spawn at C until B is capped)
A now gives its original 2:30 timer...

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