
CP Shapes b2

Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Updated Game Logic

Lots of game logic changes in this update.

  • Mid cap spawn time changes moved from -3 to -2. I can never tell which is better.
  • When 2nd is capped by attacking team, defending team gets a forced respawn. Hopefully this will help teams that don't understand that they shouldn't feed onto 2nd when 2nd is being capped.
  • Dropdown blocking shutter should now open if you are trapped inside or are on the other side of it.

And some other changes:

  • The stepped stairs...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

First Display of the Art Pass

There is A LOT to this update. Let's go over them in order of importance.

(Note: most of the artpass is only on blue's side to get feedback before I start duplicating it for red.)
First: The spawn times adjustments on capturing 2nd have been equalized on both teams. The reason I was struggling with these timers for so long was because at some point in time like versions ago when I was changing them about I only changed the adjustments for one side's 2nd and not the other. It was definitely...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Fully Completed Artpass! ... of Half the Map

Obviously a full art pass complete is gonna have a lot of changes so let's first list the visuals.

The first one to mention is Freyja's contribution to the map with how quickly she churned out the sheered basalt ground texture and how much it brings out the feel of last. Really important texture that one.

The displacement eldritchian abstraction that is above last also got a big upgrade, there's now abstractions above the original for depth and they all fully connect to the walls.


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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Full art pass completed!

Update title says it all.

There isn't actually that much gameplay changes here. It was mostly completely erasing red side and copying blue side over and replacing the metal with wood.

There were some significant geo redos but you won't be able to see that.

There were only 3 major gameplay changes. The one way wall in left side transition from mid to 2nd was removed. While it supported highbrow gameplay patterns of encouraging pushes and preventing stalemates in that transition; I learned...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Clearning Out Artpass Issues

The big change here was making my own skybox texture! The old one was a photoshop recolour of Doctor Nuriel's Apotheosis and I did it without his permission. Upon asking he directed me to the software he used to make it, . Spent some significant amount of time learning this and what you see now in the map is the result of that.

There were still a bunch of minor artpass issues I needed to clear out. UV matching for the red side inner domes...

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