
CP Shapes a65

Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Futa Mommy submitted a new resource:

Shapes - Unique shapes to create unique gameplay.

My first map, a 5cp map, with some main goals in mind from the very start of the design process:

1: Use interesting shapes to create varied gameplay patterns that are different from standard fences, boxes, cliffs and displacements.
2: Focus on 12v12 gameplay over 6v6.
3: Make sure no sentry can cover more than 50% of any chokes into a point.
4: Remove lobby as in 12v12 it results in so much of the team focusing in one area making it very hard to push into, and requiring two consecutive...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Futa Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Fixes, reworks and subtle shifts to accommodate feedback from first playtest.

There are a lot changed in this update. Source of feedback.

1: The initial spawn for both teams was moved forward a significant amount. The low-ground right in front of the initial spawn was such a no-man's land when testing against bots even when I had an easy slope up to the point that I decided to shrink it down by bringing that spawn closer.

2: The catwalk above the center door of the initial spawn I found incredibly...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Futa Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Completely redid all the transitions between points.

While the feedback from my second playtest wasn't that useful to me, me playing during it did highlight two big things I did not like.

1: The entire far left and right flanks to the mid point that go behind the big triangle.
2: Most of the transitions.

Those big flank points resulted in a lot of players grouping together in there, separating themselves from the main point. It resulted in both teams frequently walking past each...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Futa Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Flow Reworking and Nav Meshing

An update in response to this test.

Relatively small update, took only two days to do.

1. All the low ground spheres on second have clipping to make them easily walkable.
2. The side ramps on last are now positioned to flow better.
3. There are now ramps leading up to the hexagonal platforms on last to make them actually accessible.
4. Removed the fences in the same area as they are no longer necessary with the ramps blocking...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Futa Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Improving Last

Based on this demo preview and some testing against bots I have made some changes to how last is played.

1. The big sphere that you normally drop down onto is now blocked off from snipers getting onto it. There simply was no way to counter a sniper that was standing there.
2. Dropdown now has a gate that blocks all entry if the attacking team captured the other team's second. This makes orchestrating a push much easier to do...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Gameplay Experiments

This is an experimental update that looks to see how gameplay turns out.

  • There is now a highground platform all across the far wall (the wall with the drop down) to encourage players to use that area to fight.
  • There is now quick and short paths from the two low ground entrances into the front of spawn, should make pushing those areas have more options.
  • Three less pillars on last as a result of these new areas.
  • The large middle sphere that overlooked the landing space for...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Total size and transition rework thanks to B4nny's feedback

B4nny's feedback boiled down to a few things:

  • Sniper can sit pretty far back on the transitions in second, letting him cover most of the second area with little to no way to counter.
  • Transition exits always had advantageous high ground directly in front of it overlooking the transition, stuffing would-be pushers.
  • Very few transitions had great vision of the point.
  • Transitions were far apart from another, making them hard to rotate from one to the other.
  • Many of the...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Testing some gameplay flow.

A lot of these changes are tests to improve/change flow to how I want.

  • The hollowed out half-pyramids in front of the central chokes leading up to mid had their tops chopped off, you can now see across the entire point from the chokes.
  • 3 of the smaller cubes next to the big cube are gone, not necessary to keep them as the pyramids are closer to a couple of them that you can jump from one to another with ease.
  • The big central upside down pyramid has been shrunk considerably...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

New lighting and highground encouragement!

a50 is here! There's relatively little change from this one to the previous one, but it can potentially be a significant gameplay change.

Firstly though, players will notice that my arrows now pop, spent a significant amount of time getting the lighting on these juuuust right. There's a few areas that suffer from obnoxious lighting as a result but oh well.

As for the gameplay changes ...

1: Mid point time to cap value is lowered by two (seconds for a scout). I did this because a lot of...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Trying to fix eternally fighting for mid.

a51 contains very few changes, as the primary goal is to try and see what little things I do can solve the "eternally fighting at mid" problem that's been occurring in playtesting.

  • Removed a bunch of health packs and ammo packs around mid and in the central transition to mid.
  • Reverted the upside down pyramid to the smaller a49 size, while kept the top part from a50 making it a diamond.
  • Increased spawn times by 1.
  • Increased spawn time variability upon capping mid from -2...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Custom Textures Test

This update does a few things:

  • Puts the mini on the ledge overlooking mid back.
  • Lowers recapturing time of 2nd down to 5 seconds. Yes this breaks the hud.
  • Expands the left flank route from 2nd that was a zigzag into low ground. There's now three steps to it and it has two exits into mid.
  • Brought back the locked drop drop down when 2nd is capped.
  • And as the namesake of this update title says: Puts in A LOT of custom textures every where that features complex patterns...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Someone Dared Me to Name this Update Boob.

You think I wouldn't do it?

Regardless, this is the update on the feedback gained on the new textures of the last test. These new textures are 4096x4096 instead of 2048x2048, and are much less intense in the differences between its highs and lows so hopefully it seems more like low background contrast and not full visual weight focus contrast.

But there's also some gameplay changes.

First I increased the cap time on mid by a value of 3. Didn't like scouts capping mid before the other team...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Displacement Domes

The big change for this update is replacing the brushwork domes with displacement domes. They now look smoother, the texture can be applied better, and most importantly, less face side count so I have more leeway during art pass.

Other notable changes include:

  • Spot lights for the nooks of the smaller domes so people can see better.
  • Clipping brushes for the dual sphere paths in some of the smaller domes so people can walk up them butter.
  • A cap value time of 9 scout seconds...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Lots of Transition Changes

This update changes a lot about how the transitions between 2nd and mid work.

They are only done to blue side however, so please compare and contrast which features of each side you like best.


  • Connected pyramid and right angle transitions to make a short route between the two. I noticed people were just bashing their head against a choke instead of flanking so maybe this will help decided to flank.
  • Pyramid transition is bigger.
  • The triangular prism doorways are...

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Lesbian Mommy

L1: Registered
Nov 18, 2023
Lesbian Mommy updated Shapes with a new update entry:

Large Transition Rework

Version b0h featured different transitions from 2nd to mid. Blue side had them and red didn't, but after 4 rounds of testing players couldn't tell which one was better, so I got another round of feedback from B4nny for this map. There is a lot of large changes here so I ended up going back down to an alpha instead of a beta, as the series of b0 versions were meant to mainly test the new textures.

This led me to use the connector on blue's side for both sides, and to rework how the pyramid...

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