
Sanitarium rc6

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L1: Registered
Jun 7, 2020
Congrats on getting your map added officially! Here's a few issues I noticed while playing

For some reason, the lamps on the roof (and ONLY on the roof) have missing textures, I'm not sure if this is some weird cubemap error or what, but none of the other lamps have it. someone I know even had the error textures for these lanterns appearing through walls, but I don't have that issue, which makes this whole thing even weirder, thats the second screenshot.


On both sides of the bush on the left side of the main entrance stairway, the displacement ends a bit too soon and you can see into the void

This one zombie spawn by the front entrance with the gargoyles has a sorting issue which you can fix by setting the render mode of the respawnroomvisualizer to "Color". None of the other ones seem to have this issue, but it'd probably be safest for them all to have it, just in case one decides to randomly break.

And some non-bug things

The boards on this window on the 3rd story of the rightmost staircase seemed high enough that I thought I might have been able to crouch jump through it, but you can't. Might just be a me issue.

The fact that this ladder reaches all the way to the ground kind of makes it seem like you might be able to climb it like the rest of the ladders in the map, maybe if it was lifted off the ground a few feet it wouldn't seem like that? i'm not quite sure how that'd work realistically, but it might help. very minor thing tho and you can probably keep this

Once again, congrats! I love the atmosphere of this map, and it was really fun to play on!