river crossing


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
The blu team almost always reached the ending, because the other points, except the last, weren't really defendable. :/

I also saw that the setupgates at blu spawn were pretty spawncampable, since there were only 2, and these were right next to eachother..


Jul 14, 2009

These are, as far as I know, no TF2 props. I think TBS used to have them in the prop library, but removed them just recently.

EDIT: On top of that, someone managed to get stuck in some rocks:

Last edited:


L3: Member
Feb 28, 2009
I played this once and there were a lot of problems with it. There's not enough player clipping, the first red spawn is way too far back. Also, you can walk around and my guess is build in the area behind the final cap point, which doesn't seem right.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
Played at gamesday 2/8. I played Red engi twice, and both times I found it very hard to defend properly or fall back effectively. There were scouts everywhere, and a sniper even taunt killed my sentry as it was building.

After the cart crossed the river and the shortcut became moot, game was more like standard A/D, and we defended the cart.

I think the shortcut was two easy for blu. After a few plays I can see players - esp Engineers - giving up on defending the first point, like so many do goldrush part 1, which is a shame as it wastes part of your map!

which crossing are you referring to? the 1st or 2nd?

regarding engis:
i've played the map several times on full servers, and have seen effective engis played on both red and blu teams.
one thing that's important is that you must not underestimate the usefulness of a teleporter.

as for scouts and snipers being everywhere, that's probably more likely a case of "map-newness". most people seem to either go scout or sniper 1st time on a new map since they both will allow the most exploration in the shortest time (either with scope, or by running fast).

i have seen red manage to defend every point till timeout at one time or another, so i know it's possible. but i did give blu some advantage, as i wanted to keep the cart moving so that most games would get to at least the 3rd point.

I played this today on gameday, looked good but some areas were open and the optimization was horrible for me, I have a high end card and I still got low fps but other than that it looked fine.

what card are you using? i've got a geforce 8800GTS (not OC'd) and i've never had any fps issues on the map.
what areas of the map did you suffer bad fps in?

The blu team almost always reached the ending, because the other points, except the last, weren't really defendable. :/

I also saw that the setupgates at blu spawn were pretty spawncampable, since there were only 2, and these were right next to eachother..

i'd have to disagree on the defendableness of the map. as i've said above, i've seen cases of red holding each point. the 1st point is harder to hold than the others, but i think that's acceptable, since you want a rising difficulty curve.

setupgates - did you actually get spawn camped here? i also at one point worried they may be spawncampable, but as there's no health or metal nearby for red, and blu have the spawn time advantage as well as a nearby ammo locker, i've never seen red hold a presence on that side of the bridge for more then about 30 seconds (unless the player count is badly unbalanced).
if you have seen it get spawncamped, then i'd consider changing that, but if not, i'm guessing it would be alright.


These are, as far as I know, no TF2 props. I think TBS used to have them in the prop library, but removed them just recently.

EDIT: On top of that, someone managed to get stuck in some rocks:


Damn... well i'll have to make a custom skin to replace the default skin on those models then :(

that image of the stuck sniper, where was it? i can't actually tell if it's the blue start spawn side of the river or if it's the other end of the river.

I played this once and there were a lot of problems with it. There's not enough player clipping, the first red spawn is way too far back. Also, you can walk around and my guess is build in the area behind the final cap point, which doesn't seem right.

why do you feel there is not enough playclipping? what things were you getting stuck against, or getting behind of that you felt you shouldn't be?
you feel that red spawn is too far back even with the door that is open until the 2nd point is captured?

yes you can walk around and build in the playable areas (i.e. "behind the final cap point").
look at it like this:
there's staircases and a spawnroom in the area you refer to.
if you had ended up down there, i'm guessing you just suicided instead of explored.
the primary reason that area is accessible is that it allows blu to flank all the way around red, and get behind them. (although due to the openness, this is really mainly to assist spys getting behind the choke point between the last 2 points).


Jul 14, 2009
I think these rocks were on the "other side of the river" as you said, near the Blu forward spawn.


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
There's already a TF2 version of those logs in the game.


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
Well, about those setupgates. I was camping it for arround 1 minute as a demoman. Also, a demoman has enough ammo to camp (the grenades + stickies).

I don't know if you have to fix this, it's your choice.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
There's already a TF2 version of those logs in the game.

nope. the one you're thinking of is much larger/longer


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
Well, you could use them anyway or replace them with the woodpiles. I'm sure they're about the same size.


L3: Member
Feb 28, 2009
why do you feel there is not enough playclipping? what things were you getting stuck against, or getting behind of that you felt you shouldn't be?
you feel that red spawn is too far back even with the door that is open until the 2nd point is captured?

yes you can walk around and build in the playable areas (i.e. "behind the final cap point").
look at it like this:
there's staircases and a spawnroom in the area you refer to.
if you had ended up down there, i'm guessing you just suicided instead of explored.
the primary reason that area is accessible is that it allows blu to flank all the way around red, and get behind them. (although due to the openness, this is really mainly to assist spys getting behind the choke point between the last 2 points).

Yes, although the spawn is good for point 2, just like borax it's way too far from the first point to even stand a chance. The whole thing seems like blu just pushes the kart to the final point where they get stalled around that sentry infested corner, i've played the map for the past week having almost every single game end like that.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
Yes, although the spawn is good for point 2, just like borax it's way too far from the first point to even stand a chance. The whole thing seems like blu just pushes the kart to the final point where they get stalled around that sentry infested corner, i've played the map for the past week having almost every single game end like that.

interesting. that might be due to map familiarity, as whenever i play it on the servers i frequent (with people who've played many of the earlier versions), the 1st point usually plays like badwater's 1st (marginally tough to take, but almost always capped), and then the following points each stall blu for a time.

should also point out that blu doesn't actually get any particular advantage from capping points too quickly, as there's a max cap on the time (i believe i set it to 7 and half minutes). so that means red won't have to deal with a worn-down/worn-out effect of seeing time left in double digits if they do end up getting pushed back to the last point too quickly by blu.