Pushing players through solid walls


Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
In these instructions, you're pushing players through a floor, upwards. Like they're sprouting out of the ground.

1. Create a trigger_teleport (trig_tele) volume under the solid brush, and make its top side flush/z-fighting with the surface of the solid brush. Remember to check the Clients flag! Set its destination to p_exit.

2. Create an info_target (p_exit), and put it halfway jutting out the bottom center face of trig_tele. The player will be teleported so their feet are here.

3. Move the origin of the trig_tele exactly below the center of p_exit. The player's path is incremented by the line segment drawn from that origin to the center of p_exit, over and over - in other words, you can imagine that a bow & arrow is formed by those points, where trig_tele's origin is the fletching and p_exit is the arrowhead. And the player is moved that distance over and over. You can create an angle by moving the "hand" (trig_tele's origin) accordingly. If this path is long, the player's movement will be choppy but they'll move faster. I know that 1 unit of distance between them makes for smooth movement, though it's really slow.

I highly recommend using two trigger_add_player_condition volumes with duration -1, overlapping with trig_tele, to give the player condition 51 (TF_COND_INVULNERABLE_HIDE_UNLESS_DAMAGED) and 87 (TF_COND_FREEZE_INPUT) so they are neither sitting ducks nor tiny itty bitty snipers.