Post your blog, twitter, etc.


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 6, 2009
being quite so anti one website is incredibly narrow minded (although i agree with the myspace hate)

I dont often use my facebook it does have its uses, since most of my friends are on there and check it more than once an evening its not a bad way to get in touch for non urgent things to save a bit of money on a txt or call or whatever.

Twitter is useful too, its a nice social thing and not as straightforwardly useless as you might think, i follow most of nasa's stuff and thats pretty interesting!

I disagree.

Not there's never anything useful in those, as you mentioned several companies have taken to using twitter as sort of "live news feed", a movement I don't particularly enjoy seeing as it generally dumbs down news to "one liners". But from a business point of view is downright free publicity, so it really can't be helped, and we get our news anyways. The issue is that besides those, the crushing majority serve the same purpose as facebook, or myspace, or livejournal...

Blogs, on the other hand, can be pretty interesting, or a massive failure... Really can go either ways, but at least have potential.


Dec 5, 2007
Blogs, on the other hand, can be pretty interesting, or a massive failure... Really can go either ways, but at least have potential.

Having never used any of them. you're not really in a position to make such a sweeping statement.

Cutting your news down to a one liner is ok, since 95% of the time the one liner is accompanied by a tinyurl link to the full story. For a tiny fraction of my day spent reading tweets and making them I'm find it worthwhile, i get to see when the black mesa team release some new beta footage on youtube, or i can get a link to today's relevant course information from a friend or perhaps a link to anything on any topic that someone found interesting. None of which i would otherwise have seen.

You can't compare twitter to a blog really, they're completely different beasts

The Gentlemanne

L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 18, 2009
Sep 12, 2008
being quite so anti one website is incredibly narrow minded (although i agree with the myspace hate)

I dont often use my facebook it does have its uses, since most of my friends are on there and check it more than once an evening its not a bad way to get in touch for non urgent things to save a bit of money on a txt or call or whatever.

Twitter is useful too, its a nice social thing and not as straightforwardly useless as you might think, i follow most of nasa's stuff and thats pretty interesting!



L6: Sharp Member
Jul 6, 2009
Having never used any of them. you're not really in a position to make such a sweeping statement.

Wait... You haven't used them, but I'm not in a position to make that statement...? Or you said I never used them? I don't have an account, doesn't mean I don't know them. Besides, you'd be engaging in ad hominem argument which basically implies you have no counter argument.

Logic not found.

That said...

Cutting your news down to a one liner is ok, since 95% of the time the one liner is accompanied by a tinyurl link to the full story. For a tiny fraction of my day spent reading tweets and making them I'm find it worthwhile, i get to see when the black mesa team release some new beta footage on youtube, or i can get a link to today's relevant course information from a friend or perhaps a link to anything on any topic that someone found interesting. None of which i would otherwise have seen.

You can't compare twitter to a blog really, they're completely different beasts

As I said, news feed is ok. Most of the time when these things don't come with a full press release they can be cut down to "new info - link". That said, a real full post about it is better than 140 chars, about at least 10 to 20 of those will be occupied a link. Even when it is "NEW INFO - link to full info" posts, it seems like a convoluted work around to good'ol rss feed. You get a heads up you got a tweet, which gives you a heads up to the news... All of which could be bypassed by having a heads up directly towards the news.

THAT said, and fully aware I'm quickly becoming confusing, "news feed" tweeters are useful... Most personal ones, however, are not.