
KotH Portside A5


L1: Registered
Jul 24, 2018
Portside - Two competing factories going to war

During world war 2 two competing factories hire mercenaries to take over the competitors factory. With the control point on the bridge, you can use the houses to fire upon the point, or swim under the bridge to flank around.


L1: Registered
Jul 24, 2018
  • Removed the boat and replaced it with a board
Boat was removed because it was hard to get to the health pack, this change should make it easier to get it
  • Increased the length of the map
by adding a church to fall back to, I hope to stop spawn camping, while giving each team more ground
  • Raised Skybox
By raising the sky box, rocket jumping should become more easy
  • Changed the stairs in the house
Increased the size too 128 Hu from the original 64 Hu, also clipped them
  • Fixed Resupply Lockers
Originally, one locker would open the other
  • Added more "doory" looking doors
Thanks for all the complements during testing, I hope I can keep the twist of the map while fixing many issues.

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