Player-emitting sound?


L2: Junior Member
Feb 5, 2008
I want to make the player emit a scream sound effect when he dies a particular death (in this case, falling off a cliff). I have the ambient_sound set up and the trigger_multiple so that when the player touches it, he screams, but is there a way to configure the sound to play as if the player is screaming it like a voice over sound?

I don't want every player in the map to hear it, unless they're close to the player emitting the sound, so the "Play Everywhere" flag cannot be selected.

How can I pull this off? Thanks in advance :D


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 26, 2008
You could use a point_clientcommand to make the player say one of the voice commands. But I'm not sure if any of the voice commands would be the scream that you want.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 5, 2008
I forgot to say that this was a custom sound effect that I want to play. Is there a client command for playing sound, including custom sounds?


L2: Junior Member
Feb 5, 2008
After doing some research on point_cilentcommand, I found that I can use a trigger_multiple and use a point_cilentcommand and use a command output like this:

play hive/scream.wav

Question is, if other players were around a player who falls to his death, would they hear the scream as well?

Thanks for leading to the right direction with the point_clientcommand. I would have never been able to figure that out. *karma added* :D