
CTF Petehole 01


L1: Registered
Jul 12, 2020
Hi, played once as part of the hybrid tf2maps playtest.

I'm sure you got feedback already about the intel cap zone being out of the map - I think the primary think to consider is WHY CTF - you'll likely get a lot more direct and less chaotic feedback as an A/D or even a KOTH map. If you really want to preserve CTF gameplay I would think about what in the gamemode appeals to you and design with a strong statement of what gameplay you're trying to create, I might just be not too engaged with CTF, but I think it lends to a sort of disordered chaos along the map - this will make it very difficult to tell if your spaces are even fun to fight in (one of the primary needs to any map)

I think i heard that the map feels very prop-spammy - I think this rings quite true and its quite difficult to give advice regarding this, but I think the central area trains need a bit more space to breath and fight in - it also can be disheartneing when low-mobility classes have no rotation methods beyond pits (with ground over them) - i'd recommend seeking having a longer (but protected) rotation so that there are ways to get to the same elevation as most other mobile classes, even if its a bit more time consuming.

Hopefully these small thoughts help - excited to see where the map goes!

Timohaer ua

L1: Registered
Feb 14, 2024
Hi, sucks i didn`t get to play it with other people myself. I decided it to be a CTF even before i got the layput. I mean, there aren`t enough space in the mid between trains for a point, and if i make if wide enough, the underground passing will look soo much longer, which is what it still struggles of. The main idea of the trains was to make non spammable, sightlineless medium. Plus the lore of the map i had in my mind "two elevators to spytech area just so happened to be really close to enemy ones". I think the map would have a huge benefits if it was much bigger, but at the point i realised that, it was too late.

Well, just like everyone else, i wanted my map to look good, plus i think like 30 percent of the props are useful to enviroment like sighlineblockers, or just to help players get to higher area. At some point i was considering moveng respawn areas to that room to the left from elevator, but was unsure at it.

Sadly, i don`t see any future for this map, at least from my develovement. Its just an avarage map, the only thing that makes a difference from hungreds other ones, is that i created it, but not a single thing more. Still, thanks for playing.