Pakrat getting suck on textures


L1: Registered
Aug 23, 2012
I've been using pakrat for a while for custom content, and I've never had any problems, but now it keeps on getting stuck on textures. It works on other maps I've made, but not on the one I'm working on now. I've recomplied the map, and it's still not working.

This bug is exactly the same as a previous bug mentioned here; I didn't want to necropost, so I just made a new thread. Following that advice, I've removed the swamp texture, but it still isn't working. Most textures come from the bullet crop pack.

Anyone else have this problem, if so, how did you fix it?


Nov 6, 2011
If you continue having problems with Pakrat I would recommend switching over and trying PackBSP. Along with packing textures it automatically packs models and their textures as well, so no more manually going through and finding all the models with pakrat.
If the problem persists even with using PackBSP, then I'm not so sure that it would be at the fault of the program rather than some user error in setting up something obscure or whatnot.

The Asylum

I had a similar problem with one of my maps and packrat/bsp too. All I needed to do was to build the cubemap.


L1: Registered
Aug 23, 2012
I found the error, apparently a custom water texture was the cause. I replaced the water texture with a 2fort one, and it worked.