

L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
can somebody explain how they work? i know its like a decal but its better but i cant place them, i make an overlay, assign a texture but nothing appears in hammer

help please :p


only way i've gotten them to work is selecting a brush face with the actual "overlay" application tool in hammer. making an info_overlay with the entity tool seems to mess things up every time.


Or, you pick a texture on the right hand texture browser, click the overlay button and then click any face of any brush to apply it in the 3D window.


Select the overlay in the 3D window and then scale it in the graph panes. Most of the overlays are square but with stains and such you can play around with them as much as you like.
In Hammer, the overlays will have a really annoying choppy/blinky effect but don't worry, once in game they look fine. Sometimes if you're using a small or translucent overlay they are hard to see, but don't worry, they're there.

The only problem I've encountered is when you have two brushes and you're trying to get the overlay to appear on both. Even if they're lined up, the overlay only appears wherever the Overlay icon is. If anyone has a fix for this it would be much appreciated. If not... I will find a way.
Oct 25, 2007
Basically, what MrTwitch said. Here's an image reference:

The biggest advantage of an overlay, is that they are easily resizable after you apply them on a brush face. Hope that helps.

Buster Charlie

Basically, what MrTwitch said. Here's an image reference:

The biggest advantage of an overlay, is that they are easily resizable after you apply them on a brush face. Hope that helps.

your weasel's ears are too pointy.