Optimization Question


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 7, 2009
Currently on my map when you stand at the 2/4th cp and look toward the middle, my fps is about 40 less than when near the 1/5th cp. I think there might be some glitch with my optimization and it's rendering way more than I can see. It looks like it should be fine in hammer, but is there any command to show what's being rendered? So I can tell if stuff behind a world brush is being rendered to me at 2/4.
Last edited:


May 25, 2009
From http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Area_portal

Console commands

You can debug and test portals in-game, using some portal-specific console variables:

r_DrawPortals 0/1
Outlines any portal border surface (between two areas) in green when set to "1". Sometimes more than one portal is condensed into one. If the portal belonging to it is open, a second green box is also drawn, showing what the visibility on the other side is clipped to.

mat_wireframe 0/1/2/3
Draws geometry in wireframe mode, making it easy to see the effects of areaportals in the level. When debugging areaportals, you should typically use mat_wireframe set to "1" or "2", as the "3" setting can hide geometry that is actually rendering.

r_portalscloseall 0/1
Setting this to "1" forces all areaportals closed (so that they cannot be opened). Overrides r_portalsopenall 1. (Try this if portals don't seem to be doing anything. It can tell you whether the problem is just that the portals aren't closing properly.)

r_portalsopenall 0/1
Setting this to "1" forces all areaportals open (so that they cannot be closed).