[Open Alpha] pl_spawncamp


L1: Registered
Feb 24, 2025
... no, you're not actually supposed to spawncamp.

Welcome to pl_spawncamp!

Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, our spawnrooms are connected.


Valve had a map in development called Staredown. It was scrapped, and repurposed into Powerhouse, and you can still see remnants of Staredown in Powerhouse.
Anyhow, Staredown had a cool gimmick: the spawn rooms of both RED and BLU were right in front of each other, and both had glass windows, allowing both teams to see each other in their spawn rooms. Why? Well, why not?

Now I thought this was a really good gimmick, so I tried centering a whole map around it.
Spawncamp is a single-stage Payload map with three points, and therefore nine spawnrooms, and all nine spawnrooms come in conjoined pairs separated by a simple glass window.


This is my first map and it shows. Right now the map is terrible, at least it was during my testing with default TF bots.
Not a single round did RED ever win. It is also Demoman haven. The first point is an easy win for BLU. The second point was an attempt to do some indoor combat thing and I'm not too sure how to make more viable for RED. The third point is a lame attempt to do what pl_snakewater did for its final point, but at the moment, it's just... whatever.


Oh yeah, this map contains two copies of the 2Fort bridge, because I liked the 2Fort bridge (not in a nostalgic way) and wanted to see it used seriously in a map outside of 2Fort.

Note that I am not going to work on this map anymore, matter of fact I am not gonna be working on any TF2 maps anymore even. So if you have any comments or suggestions or criticisms on the map, feel free to share them, I will read them while simultaneously wondering what I am even going to do with that information.


If you want to make this map better, or if you want to just play it or do anything with it to your heart's content, go ahead I guess. Credit is not needed, but it would be cool if you told me what you did with it, if you did something with it, or if you even played it and you hated it. Or liked it. Who knows?


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