
KotH Nighthouse a3


L1: Registered
Feb 23, 2023
Burger updated Nighthouse with a new update entry:

a2 version

Halved the capture time due to feedback of the point being too difficult to recapture. Added an elevated point higher than the control point to allow for more verticality, added a deathpit by the side health packs, not sure how that's gonna test but we'll see. I raised the water level slightly to make it easier to come out of the water. Lastly, I fixed the issue with the one-way door closing in people's faces.

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L1: Registered
Feb 23, 2023
Burger updated Nighthouse with a new update entry:

a3 version

Completely revamped the area between spawn and mid, having more unique ways of getting to the point, making it so the spawn is (roughly) at the same height as the point, and making it feel a lot less symmetrical in general. Hopefully with this change getting to the point should feel more unique and gameplay past the mid will be more interesting. Also moved the one-way door to the highest point of mid, and added a ledge to the deathpit window so players won't mistake it for a door.

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