Moving physics objects?


L1: Registered
Jan 24, 2020
I'm trying to make a physics object move alongside a target (in this case, a parented prop_dynamic, that I might switch out for an info_target if this ever works). However, it seems that physics objects are a lot more broken then I previously thought. I've tried both prop_physics and prop_physics_multiplayer, but both seem to act about the same.

While parenting appears to work just fine at first, whenever the physics object is affected by any force (bullets, melee, etc.), it magically teleports to where it settled before it was parented, does standard physics object movement there, and then teleports back to the correct place once it's done moving. Worst of all, when unparenting the object, it will also teleport back to where it started, making it seem as if nothing had happened at all. Now I wasn't too surprised by this; I do know that prop_physics doesn't actually support parenting, so I tried out the other options I knew.

The next one I tried was logic_measure_movement, an entity I'm quite found of that can be used in places where parenting doesn't work. Shockingly, it had the exact same problem as parenting does! Complete with the issue where it doesn't end up in the right place after turning off the logic_measure_movement entity!

I then tried phys_constraint, only to find it was completely broken in a different fashion; activating the constraint makes the physics prop return to it's spawn point and never move, and disabling it just makes it fall from that point. While it does move the prop back to it's spawn, it seems to be completely unable to move it anywhere else. Phys_lengthconstraint did appear to work properlyish, but it only seems to constrain the physics prop to predefined points, so I can't have it follow the target at all.

I even decided to give up on having it naturally move to the target, and just tried using point_teleport. While the entity does work, there's no way to change where point_teleport teleports the physics prop; it always teleports it to where the point_teleport was placed in hammer, even if the entity is moved around via parenting or console commands.

Is there anyway to move a physics object to a specific entity? I've feel like I've exhausted my options here. It seems like the only way to move it anywhere in general is by using the ent_teleport command, which is obviously not realistic for a map...