Machine Category (If multiple, list from most to least important)
Explanation of concept
Description in the style of a TF2 inventory item (Optional)
Forum Link (Optional)
The rouge artificial intelligence
Objective, Hazard
A rogue ai plunged in an abandoned research lab, Blu and Red fight to try and disable it and shut it down first. Meanwhile it tries to kill them with randomized neurotoxin, coolant floods, hot and cold temperatures and loud sound events. All the while it smiles on and actually narrates the match!
(Round start description)
Capture the point and hold it from the other team to shut R.O.G.E.R down. Watch for his attacks!
Artpiece #1 (Guaranteed appearance on stream)
Artpiece #2 (Optional)
Artpiece #3 (Optional)
Artpiece #4 (Optional)
Artpiece #5 (Optional)
(Substitute for not being able to submit the bsp due to computer problems)
Sadly due to computer issues I never managed to finish it and had to scrounge up old rough wip screenshots and clips on my Steam deck to finish it. So apologies for it being rough and I never got to add the flesh corruption
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