CP Martial


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
72 hour 2015 entry. Most likely will continue on it after the contest. Formerly known as Twotower (when it was previously a KotH map, the central point had two towers).

Swamp/Alpine mix combined with farm, on everybody's Berry's favourite mode, attack/defend CP.
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resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
A1 - A4 - Jan 24th-26th~ 2015
- Undocumented

A5 - Feb 2nd 2015
- Added a new side route into B, going from the very left-most wall (from BLU view) in the buffer room
- Added in a background building over the inner buffer area to make the split between A and B less awkward
- Removed the small pickups at the control point
- Removed the pickups on top of the hill behind A point

- Replaced a few out of place dev textures
- Added trees around B point
- Added security fence over the destroyed brick wall as it was used as a sniper spot against intentions

A6 - Feb 24th 2015
- Removed route from A-B buffer to one-way-door-room at B (still accessable outside)
- B control point moved away from the balcony
- Other minor changes

Not sure if I intend to continue working at the gameplay on this or just finish the detail, optimise it and call it a day.


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
- Renamed from CP Twotower to CP Martial
- Added a room below BLU's flank overlook of B
- Added windows to the room above the new room so the attackers can see any sentries behind the wall
- Very slight re-theming


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
- Restructured the water room at B to connect to the second floor for the attackers to use as a flank
- Simplified the lobby coming out of BLU spawn
- Bridge route under A point is no longer accessable until A is captured
- Adjusted control point times


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
Sadly don't have as much time in the week to work on maps as I'd like, but I've made a start on A9.


There's a few new things in here, including:
  • New forward spawn (pictured at back, door visible is an alt exit and the main leads you through the central A building)
  • Less prop-based cover with the new little shack in the centre
  • With the new cover, I moved and opened up the main entrance into the A area from BLU spawn so it's more clear to RED they can access this area
  • And later I will of course be working on the respawn times as some of them are insane for some reason.
  • As well as later a new route out of BLU main spawn to make the round start a bit better
No release yet, don't have time to finish this but it should be up Thursday or Friday :)
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resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
- Added a shack outside the BLU spawn and moved the main doorway
- Added another route out of BLU spawn
- Adjusted RED spawn times
- Added a forward spawn for BLU after A is captured
- Divided up the "sewer" section of B point to a RED side (upper floor, small room) and a BLU side (the rest)


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
you can get stuck here, and if you jump correctly, you fly into the brush above.


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
B1pre1 - June 22nd 2015
(Includes changes from A10 also)
- Added an in-progress 3D skybox
- Changed sky texture and lighting, added functional rain
- Redesigned the barn left to A (looking from BLU) to house a flank for A
- Right-most route into A from B is now one way (allowing exit from the building) until A is capped
- Capture times reworked
- Lowered area in the A-B buffer has been changed to stairs, leading down to the lower area of B
- Redesigned (aesthetically) the BLU spawn buffer building
- Added soundscapes
- Slightly increased cover around B point to accomodate sentries (and spies maybe?) a little bit
- Fixed being able to leave the level at BLU spawn area
- Fixed annoying sentry spot on the large overlook at B
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resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
B1pre2 - June 27th 2015
- Revised flank route around A. Can no longer be used to access the room beside A (until A is captured)
- A gate now opens, allowing BLU players to dropdown to the A-B connector from the bridge on the A flank
- Added a small room beside the B point which is ideal for sentry nests in structure, but lacks pickups
- Improved lighting (particularly around the B point)
- Modified the left route around A to be less straight and sightline-y, and to be less advantageous for RED
- Updated detail
- Removed rain


Feb 14, 2010
Hey Berry, some thoughts on b1pre4fix:

I never wanted to hold the front room in front of A, as a defender:


Where can red stand? Lots of highground right in front of them, with barriers to protect those poor blues up there, you can't stand here or you will die. Box on the left?- what advantage does that give you.


Large dead end, I would not go into that corner since it takes me so far away from dealing damage upon close range hits on blue team, and it just puts me in a corner to die. A sentrygun here would get edge-shot, people poking their heads to shoot a pipe, and taken down in 15 seconds from the start of the round. The door back to A point is much more appetizing from a defender point-of-view than staying put.

It was difficult to find good positions as defender on A point:


Staying still is less fun than letting attackers take ground and then letting defenders retake it in an attempt to tide them (the attackers) off for a few moments. This room in particular feels like its only purpose is for giving ammo to and giving a spot or engineers. As a soldier trying to defend in this room, I feel like my access to the point and my access to escape if need be are both very limited.


Standing up here as a defender felt weird because the corner was jutting into 'my zone' so much, I feel like I don't really have space to move around when I'm standing up here - on the boards and platform.


This back area of A point looked cool and generally felt fine (apart from the previously mentioned-in-feedback want of a door to B point), however I rarely came back here when playing as either team.


Personally I would want something like this: red team is defending from behind the point instead of awkwardly right beside all confusing-like, and blue team either hits from the flank beneath in the gully or from the back with the already-existing route that is there.

This building felt a bit weird:



Approaching it I feel like there's probably some amount of depth to it behind those blacked-out glass pieces, but as soon as I go through the door there's a sharp 90 degree turn back to the control point through a tiny doorway. Maybe as an engineer I could defend from this doorway but as any other class - even as a soldier, I did not want to stay here and wait for attackers to come to me, so generally it felt like an odd place for defense. I kinda wish it was wider, I think I also wish the doorway looking onto B point was wider too.



Also, when I come up into the room I initially, and even after learning otherwise still kept thinking that this window was looking into a strictly-detail side room.


I think you should maybe hint at the room underneath it better to the people up top - something like putting a generally-in-gameplay sign (like a 'B ->') half-obstructed by the edge of the window, or making the floor in the above room have a section of grating so people up top realise there's a route under them.

Gameplay on B point felt a tiny bit repeaty:



Generally I honestly had fun with B point. It had some interesting push and pull going on, the wide displacement ramp leading down to the point let battles exist on a sloped surface, there were routes for defenders to take to flank-from-behind and try to break apart attacking regiments. There is however a small repeaty feeling going on in the background I think. It may be something to do with attackers rarely actually stepping onto the B point - which isn't totally a bad thing, but it may feel like battles aren't really going anywhere for a while.

I'm not really sure what to do about the repeaty feeling beyond somehow letting battles maneuver their ways towards and onto the point section more - like what mountainlab point A does (where the point just takes a really long time to capture so you really need to 'own the area' before finally capturing the control point). Tyler mentioned some suggestion of making the A->B connectors more vertical which might be interesting.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 31, 2014
I'd like to add that the when I was messing around n this map with a friend, my friend kept complaining that the jump under point A onto the pipes was too risky. I hit it maybe 50 percent of the time (as a demoman) when I was only focusing on the jump, I imagine that with combat going on that it'd be even harder.

Also there's some hole in your displacements in the pit.


Feb 14, 2010
Back to what I was saying about B point - after playing the map again in the gameday (I think the team I was on was just doing really well and we got some solid pushes in), we fought towards B and out of the connectors more and I enjoyed B a lot. So, I think the problem was probably that fighting in the connector was lamer than the point, but that it was hard to do it without having a pro team to back you up.