Map not loading or saving when compiling and prt. file missing.

Jason Lipscomb

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2023
I need some help with fixing my map. I am almost done but i ran into a few problems. My map originally had issues with loading due to portalflow getting stuck. I was told to change some brushes to func_detail. I selected all the trim inside my building at once and changed it to func_detail. After that i tried to compile and now my portal file is missing and the map wont save when i try to load it through tf2 itself. i tried deleting the trim to see if that would fix it and it doesn't. I was told it had to do with an area portal leak but i am not sure what to do. They told me to come here for extra help.

Here is the link to my compiler:

If anyone can help me i would be very grateful!


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
You have too many T-Juncs.
Too many t-junctions to fix up! (3664 prims, max 32768 :: 65568 indices, max 65536)

T-Juncs are when func_detail touches world geometry. There is a hard limit as the error above indicates.
You can try some of the following to reduce your T-Juncs:
  • Change them to another entity like func_brush. This can have negative impacts so it depends on what the brush is.
  • Turn them back to world geometry and just have a longer compile time.
  • Usually this happens with roof details. I tend to turn my roofs into displacements so I can add bumps and dips.
  • I sometimes turn small details like ceiling beams and stair trims into func_lod. This tells the game to stop rendering it after X hammer units.
  • You can compile with -notjunc but this will put tiny gaps between your func_detail and world geometry. Whether or not you'll notice it depends on where they are.

Further reading.