Map Crashing

World Of Frisbee Crisis

L2: Junior Member
Mar 31, 2008
Okay, so for some reason, my map crashes about 6-7 seconds after the match starts. So I looked in my compile log and all I could find is that "Can't load skybox file some_texture to build the default cubemap!" error. So, could this crash a map or is there any other reason for it to crash?


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 14, 2008
It's probably something else, but I'm not an expert. Does it always crash after a certain time, or is it when you go to a certain area that just happens to take that long to get to?


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 12, 2008
Its not the sky box, thats a different problem.
What kind of stuff do you have in the map? Triggers, entities, functions? If it is a CP map make sure all you're trigger_capturezones have an associated capture point or else entering that zone will cause it to crash. It could also be physics objects that screw each other up (though I doubt you're using any func_physbox)


L1: Registered
Apr 16, 2008
Before you start the map, type 'developer 2' at the console, and then review the output and/or paste it here in the thread if it doesn't lead you in the right direction. And/Or enable logging and look at the log.

If 'developer 2' doesn't provide enough detail, try 'developer 4'

Taken from here.


L3: Member
Mar 15, 2008
I don't much about developer compile logs or whatever, but a quick look at the error message you posted would suggest:

1) Your info_player_teamspawn entities are not clear of your brushes. You need to place them slightly above the floor, not directly on it. I've never had a problem with placing them only 2 units above, but I've read posts that say you supposed to place them like 8 units or more above the floor.

2) Did you copy and paste some of your cp/capture zone stuff in your map. It looks like the indexes for some team_control_points are the same. You need make each index unique.

3) I've never run developer 2, so I don't know what errors are normal and what aren't but you're getting a lot of messages about trigger_capture areas and team_round stuff that I'm guessing your game entities are a bit messed up. Are you sure it's not the problem foreverkul mentioned? If not maybe you could start debuggin by removing all the capture points, team_whatever entities from your map using visgroups and then start adding them back in bit by bit, making sure all the fields are correct, names correspond etc.


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 12, 2007
just to add to the list of things that are potential problems

Detail prop model models/props_gameplay/security_fence512.mdl is using vertex-lit materials!
It must use unlit materials!
Loading: models/error.mdl
Loading models/error.mdl

Im guessing the fence should be a prop_static

and at the very bottom

Warning: Deleting orphaned children of player - i have no clue what this is but it doesn't sound too good :D

but as mentioned above - spawnpoints/control point entities seem to be having issues.