Making a VSH map, Don't know how hammer works at all


L1: Registered
Apr 18, 2024
Hello! Like it said in the title im making a tf2 vsh vscript map and its also my first ever map. I've made layouts similar to the linked file but never imported them to hammer editor. I was wondering if anyone could like, rate(?) how the map is based on the very sloppy sketch seen below

The slightly shaded areas indicate indoor areas
Heavily greyed areas indicate walkable spaces underneath something else
The arrows indicate stairs or slanted ground
large lines indicate walls, smaller lines indicate ledges, large lines with holes in them indicate railings

any feedback would be appreciated as well as any tips for beginners, already watching the UEAKcrash tutorials :)
also if anyone needs clarification on the sketch please ask, I know its really sloppy lol.


L1: Registered
Nov 3, 2018
Check out TopHATTwaffle and 3kliksphilip for their tutorials too, they're focused on CS:GO but the actual tools in hammer are the same for TF2. Also the layout seems good!