"Mac 'n' Cheese"-inspired map


L1: Registered
Aug 17, 2011
Hey Guys,

A while ago we released our graduation film titled Mac 'n' Cheese. It's an intense drug-fueled animated short greatly inspired by the Team Fortress 2 style.

Watch Mac 'n' Cheese

We've received numerous e-mails about the creation of a level for it. This is something we ourselves haven't done before, but hereby I'm granting you all permission to create similar environments and make an even more intense and amazing level out of it! Up for a challenge? Do it!

If you need more information you can find it at:
Official Website
Official Facebook page

More contact details to be found in the videos descriptions.

Would love to hear what you guys think about creating a level based on it.

Kind regards,
on behalf of Mac 'n' Cheese

Roy Nieterau

PS. Some screenshots:




The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
I watched this yesterday and it was awesome, if slightly disturbing...but awesome nonetheless!

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
Yeah, it's a pretty well done short no doubt.

I guess the main thing would be layout. Nothing in the video really shows any good 'fighting areas'.

On top of that, basically ANY original TF2 desert map already fits the bill.
Hydro IS the Hoover damn from below.
The rest of it is just very Dustbowl, Badlands, etc...

I didn't see anything in the video that I haven't already seen in TF2.

It's not like it's in a space station or something were you can draw inspiration from it that can't already be drawn from existing TF2.

In fact the Big guy just looks like the heavy, and the small guy is pretty close to scout territory.

So basing a map off of a short that was based off of TF2 just seems like a circle jerk.


L1: Registered
Aug 17, 2011
Hey Sgt Frag,

Those are all very good points! The idea of creating a map actually came from people who played Team Fortress 2 and said they would love to play it as a map. Personally I didn't really think it through, neither am I an experienced level designer.

I guess it could be played as an unsymmetrical capture the flag map where one side is the higher placed canyon city "Eastwood Junction" and the other side ends with a lower placed dam. In-between I guess you could have the tunnel, where you could go through, over the tunnel through the canyon or go alongside it. Where you could go from one another somewhere in-between.

What I would personally love is to have some of the trippy effect in the scene (don't know to what extent it's possible), but things like a twisted road or some kind of squished effect on objects might be cool. I don't know if it's possible to have driving cars. If not, it's best to have the cars crashed and damaged as if the movie had just recently happened.

Since I'm not an experienced level designer it's hard for me to know how to describe a good setup for the scene. It's more a request from e-mails we've gotten so far and I just wanted to throw it into map creation scene. I would love if someone was able to create a layout for it or even create the map in the end. Furthermore if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Hope this helps.

Roy Nieterau