a few things i noticed:
- the map is too large in most places
- there are only 2 entrances to mid
- the forward spawn on mid is very far back
- every entrance going from mid to second forces you to be on low ground so it is harder to push into it
- when you're stood on this roof on mid you can spam into the choke to second very easily
- these sightlines into and from the choke on mid are very long so 1 sniper can deny them super hard
- someone going into the house on the right of you choke from second will be spotted if people are watching the choke
- these sightlines are quite long, especially from the entrance pushing into second into the entrance to last
- you can very easily stand on second and spam into the choke into mid
- when you jump under this bridge on second you will hit your head on the top of it. i feel like the geometry here is also just a little bit boring