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KotH koth_platform v3.0.0


L2: Junior Member
Apr 25, 2020
Wanna give some simple feedback

1) You have a leak here; it makes your map be completely rendered from everywhere and makes bad lighting in some places. Resize this brush vertically and horizontally. You can check for leaks by going "Map" -> "Load Pointfile" in Hammer, it'll show you where one of the leaks is with the red lines

2) If you want people not to stand here, you can just use toolsclip or toolsplayerclip brush textures. If you also don't want people to shoot there (exactly what this blockbullets texture helps with), just use skybox texture for easy optimization. Also raise these brushes so people can't stand on them

3) For whatever reason, Blu has closer spawns than Red

4) Blu doors are not renamed and they function literally exactly like red doors. Also, both doors for each team have the exact same name; that'll make them open even if you'd want only one of them

5) All doors on the map have "Touch Opens" flag, that makes them opened untill the end of time by anyone who just toches the door. This is something that for some reason is enabled for every newly created func_door

6) I would recommend to make this vent shorter (like on the image) to make it feel more impactful and important

7) You have these major sniper sightlines that go through the whole map
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L1: Registered
Apr 30, 2023
hey thanks for the feedback! some notes however

-for point 2, I put block bullets there because if I were to just put a skybox it would make textures like break if that makes any sense? I've taken a picture for reference


- for point 7, originally the fix for these sightlines was making the 3 ramps one mega ramp, but it didnt look good at all so i put it to 3 ramps as seen in the current version as of writing this, if you have an idea on how to fix while looking decent, please do tell me.

- also thanks for telling me how to fix the doors, i keep getting feedback telling me to fix the doors but not HOW


L2: Junior Member
Apr 25, 2020
For the skybox thing, you can just make walls higher, so people couldn't really see anything bad looking without noclipping or rocket jumping specifically to see it.

I guess it's not really important to care about optimization early on in such a small map, but I think its a good practise to know basic patterns so your larger maps don't give 30 fps to everyone on the server