
KotH koth_hydrothermal b3


L1: Registered
Aug 22, 2019
lecter submitted a new resource:

koth_hydrothermal - my take on a chaotic koth map. you WILL suffer

koth_hydrothermal is my first attempt at a koth map. note that it is not my first map in hammer, I have made several (air strike) jump maps before (one of one which still WIP), so hopefully it's a bit better than the average first map experience

though uploaded within the timespan of the event, it is NOT a jam entry. I started on this about a week ago

koth_hydrothermal (previously aquifer but the name was taken sob) is set around a power plant inside and around a mountain. the...

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L1: Registered
Aug 22, 2019
lecter updated koth_hydrothermal with a new update entry:


added area portals
fixed 'diaper' or how map is seperated from the void
changed some world geometry into func_detail and the other way around to accomodate for areaportals & the way the map is sealed
fixed some holes, z-fighting, broken decals
adjusted propfades. it's the same value across all props. might need more specific tweaking on some
added some tiny bits of detailing
reworked pixelwalk into rock jump for consistency
lowered some lights
other minute changes no sane human would...

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L1: Registered
Aug 22, 2019
lecter updated koth_hydrothermal with a new update entry:


added surveillance equipment to make hallways feel less empty
fixed LOTS of emergent issues from touching hallways
other minutia like changing lamp color tones, oversights that were the result of things done in a4/5 & some textures

this update features only tiny amounts of changes to gameplay, mostly in the form of 'you can now see through this window' and 'the windowsill is standable'

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L1: Registered
Aug 22, 2019
lecter updated koth_hydrothermal with a new update entry:

a7 (post-playtest)

changed solidity of some props
fixed floating props
resolved some issues to do with packing custom files, changed some textures
tweaked several propfades
removed fences from mid, making the pit more hazardous
slightly raised mid to reduce shutter-to-shutter angle
changed shape of mid to allow spamming low ground
slightly reduced top point capture size
changed pixelwalk to rock jump, it now better communicates the option to the player
raised oblixes & support structure (bc of the new...

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L1: Registered
Aug 22, 2019
lecter updated koth_hydrothermal with a new update entry:

a8, final alpha build

big detailing update
- more properly defined cliffsides in spawn area
- furnished spawn rooms
- added plants to tree planter
- redesigned buildings on spawn, added extra props, overlays, balconies, window and such
- added 'thermal' part of 'hydrothermal'
- added support structure to hallways
- added stuff to hallways to make them feel less empty / moved some things around
removed cone zone :( ,in stead, added extra route ('cleaning supply closet') to...

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L1: Registered
Aug 22, 2019
lecter updated koth_hydrothermal with a new update entry:

first beta version!1!!!1

After almost a month, here is the first beta version of the map!

  • Completely redid the lobby.
  • Visuals across the map have been polished up.
  • Some props were removed or swapped for others.
  • Spawn area was adjusted.
  • More connectors were built and dropdown was moved into the balcony room.

These patch notes barely do the update justice. It has been a lot of work and I am proud to present the updated version.
The map is by no means done yet, but this has been a big...

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