
KotH Koth_H2O A25.5


L1: Registered
Jul 25, 2024
Bootleghuman updated Koth_H2O with a new update entry:

Big Changes (vison 2)

Did a lot!
generally what I did was put notes to use and remade some parts.
-made hallways less narrow and clutter (hopefully)
-reduced flanks that went to enemy territory with little risk.
-Remade the point area (to help cut down on spam)
-added room off main hallway
-allowed accesses to roof of (hut?)
-pushed side flank to point
-opened the side flank to side team building
-added more ammo and health packs.
note I'm not sure if I should add more areas before the point (make...

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L1: Registered
Jul 25, 2024
Bootleghuman updated Koth_H2O with a new update entry:

Redesign upcoming

so the map had some flaws, So I have started a redesign of the map. instead of blind inspiration, I'm taking inspiration from real places in the world. wow unheard of! (sarcasms)
But it will take me longer as I'm trying to take it slower so I know there are no rushed area that hurt the gameplay.
Stay hydrated and see you *soon!

(*3-8 business days, idk when open tho)

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L1: Registered
Jul 25, 2024
Bootleghuman updated Koth_H2O with a new update entry:

A21 testing changes

change log
-added more ammo and health packs.
-changed flank to point, now a building.
-expanded drop down and added a platform.
-1 way glass on building to water side building.
-water side building's door is now 2 way.
-windowed door at spawn.
-most doors now open upwards.
-spawn rooms (see pictures).
-Angle building now has a opening.
-small out cove before water pool.
some changes will stick and some will not. Please provide feedback!

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