koth gravel lake a1.3

KotH koth gravel lake a1.3 2023-12-27


L1: Registered
Nov 24, 2023
ARTHUR PEAKY!!! submitted a new resource:

koth gravel lake a1 - KOTH map with a lake, and gravel

few mouths ago, i watched 2015 ueakcrash tell me how to make tf2 maps. i used that knowledge to make my first tf2 map: koth_gravellake (a1) (bc i will probably, almost certainly come back and want to improve things after playtests). this is a KOTH map, centered around a lake, with gravel in it, nuff' said. I hope this mess of missaligned clip brushes, wonky displacements and sightlines i didn't know exist can be the begining to a prosperous mapping career

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Average Tiddy Goth GF

L1: Registered
Nov 5, 2019

I took a bit of a look around; You've put together quite a big map for this being your very first tf2 mapping undertaking and for what it is in it's current state, you have successfully made a map which loads, runs and functions as intended on a base level. With this being a first-time project there were bound to be some hiccups.

Here's what I came across whilst playtesting your map;

1; I was able to get on top of things and buildings that I definitely shouldn't fairly quickly, a lot of invisible walls are missing are not quite high enough to contain players effectively in the designated play-area (see addendum 1.a).

Addendum 1.a;

1.1; Additionally to the problem mentioned above, I was furthermore able to completely escape the confines of the map and could wander around out of bounds.

1.2; The same applies for some geometry inside buildings, although much of it seems to be confined to BLU's side.

2; A lot of the geometry is mis-alligned, leading the a very unclean look and gaps in places where they shouldn't be ( see addendum 2.a). The same applies for the terrain meshing, a lot of it sticks up very jaggedly from below and snags players walking across these seams (see addendum 2.b).

Addendum 2.a;

Addendum 2.b;

All in all; This is a great first mapping attempt and you've managed to get the broad basis mostly down, that overall is a good day's work. You've definitely got the creativity for this, see if you can mend these problems and improve this map to become familiar with these sorts of problems. Great work for a first timer!


L1: Registered
Nov 24, 2023
with the out of bounds thing, i sorta knew one place didn't have playerclips, but i didn't expect somone to be able to jump that high (on 1.a) Thanks for the advice! i'll go back try to fix some of the stuff you mentioned best i can. i do that one question, though. one adivce gameplay wise? (besides the fact you can get out of bounds) like too long sight lines, a possible op sentry spot? if you could boot up the map agian, and try playing it with bots, that'd be great. thanks agian.


L1: Registered
Nov 24, 2023
ARTHUR PEAKY!!! updated koth gravel lake a1.1 with a new update entry:


fixed whatever i could remember from the gamplay test comments:

-fixed my map having a "diaper skybox"
-moved a bunch of stuff on both sides forward, for a shorter trip to mid
-made the spawnroom visualisers bigger so players cannot enter enemy spawns
-respawn times are now shorter for both teams by 3 seconds
-made displacements look a lot nicer

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