King of the Hill (with teamplay!)?



Hi guys, first post here, so don't rip me to death! :rolleyes:

I've been thinking of a team-KOH mode.

So far people have advised me to create ONE control point in the map, and after that use the time based awards system, to give out points after a certain amount of time.

So far so good... I know how to award team points (there is an entity for that), but what fun would that be if the team itself did not get any points (as in frags for capturing). Or am I heading in a wrong direction here?

So, what do I have to do to give a team holding the control point 2 points every 30 seconds?


Oct 25, 2007
interesting concept. while i am not sure how to give the team points every few seconds, i do have a question for you.

are you going to switch teams up there every round? Wouldn't capping one point be a little too easy on the attacking team?


Yes, the important part is to hold the CP.

Providing points after a certain amount of time is proving to be damn hard to code... But I am on it.. =/
Oct 25, 2007
Have you tried using the game_score entity? I haven't tried it in TF2 yet, but it might be what your looking for.

Try giving the trigger_capturezone entity an output to the game_score entity to apply a score with a delay of 120 seconds.


Have you tried using the game_score entity? I haven't tried it in TF2 yet, but it might be what your looking for.

Try giving the trigger_capturezone entity an output to the game_score entity to apply a score with a delay of 120 seconds.

Yes, I've tried that, but there are several problems:

Giving points with a delay: Let's say Blue caps at Minute 1. At minute 2 Red Caps. At minute 3 Blue caps again.
----> Blue gets points at Minutes 2 and 5, even though they might not even hold the CP! The same goes for Red at Minute 4.

Using game_score will give out points to the team, but not its players. In my opinion KOH is only fun if the players receive personal points as well!


Oh, well that's out of my depth then =D I was going to tell you about the "time based point value" in the team_control_point entity, but I guess you know that already?

One thing I will say though, is that you already get points for each defense of the cp. On a KOTH kind of map, those points should seriously rack up. You might not need time based points for each player


Well here's the thing:

The enemy would have to stand IN the control point trigger in order for you to get points for defending. It would make more sense to give out points for killing people while YOU stand in the control zone and kill the attacker (who is NOT standing in the zone!)...

It seems to me this whole thing is a lost cause! :(


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Oct 26, 2007
that a wierd way to do king of the hill... isnt it usually there are 3-10 points throughout the map, and a team gets say 1 point every 30 seconds that thier point is held. as long as the other team doesnt capture thier point it still gives points to them. no standing on it or withholding points cause the other team jumped on it for a second.


This would be cool if:

One control point, once you "cap" the point, you get one point every second THAT YOU STAND ON THE POINT. Your team also gets a point for individual point acquired. First team to 500 points, or whatever be the limit wins.
The cool thing about this is you get an extra point for every kill you make defending, I can see this being very competetive and all around awesome.

I think a nice 24 person map, maybe a church? Or a trainwreck of some sort... I'll find something awesome...


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Oct 26, 2007
you get one point every second THAT YOU STAND ON THE POINT.

So someone stands on a relitively safe point the whole map and next thing you know they have a new record for having 500 points in one round with a sniper (my best is 11 with a medic :) )? that would throw everyones scores totally out of wack, unless im missing something here.


...which would be the same as capping a cp! Just that the cp would take 5 minutes to cap... ;)

Or am I mistaken?


L3: Member
Oct 25, 2007
Slightly mistaken. The difference here is that you don't "lose progress" when the other team takes over the capture point area. Each team builds up points overtime and the first to X amount wins.

With something like a single CP that takes a long time to cap if the CP is constantly changing hands no one will ever win. Each team will constantly be undoing the capture progress that the other team has made.


Wow! I had no idea! :)

Looks like that's what I was looking for! :p

I'll check it out!