
KotH Ivory a9a

Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly submitted a new resource:

Ivory - Fight for Refined, Historical, National Park Hot-Spring Gravel

Trying to refresh my memory of mapping for PvP after a long MvM hiatus. koth_ivory is a King of the Hill map that takes place in a Yellowstone Park parody, where both teams duke it out to determine who will claim ownership after a failed bidding war of the Park's Gravel Hot-Springs.

Going to try and get this to rc, inspired by Lakeside, Pit of Death & Highpass for the layout.

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Ivory with a new update entry:

Downscaling & making the back useful

Shouldn't have taken me a month but I easily get distracted

-Downscaled the map according to feedback so more players will get funneled to mid, rather than the point itself being a suggestion. (Removed bathouse to achieve this goal for a tighter focus on the back-flank instead)

-The backflank has a brand new raised balcony with ramps for all classes to get up to it and use it, leading to it hopefully being a hotspot for people holding the point and attackers attempting to retake it...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Ivory with a new update entry:

Down-scaling even more & making the back even useful-er

-Down-scaled the map even further, this means the spawn-yards are now smaller and so are the team backyards in favor of helping teams reach mid within a reasonable amount of time & to help focus the fighting.

-Consolidated the balconies over mid into one (tighter) balcony space and made it faster to access.

-Consolidated main & the flank that went down to cliffside into one main route with two exits. Should hopefully both provide more cover for the attacking team while also allowing the...

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Oct 15, 2017
Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Ivory with a new update entry:

Less minor but still minor tweaks

Minor tweaks since I couldn't really think of too much to do based on the established feedback so rather than a3's layout overhauls this is more just experimental layout changes to ensure the map has less hard-rolls after a mid capture.

-Changed main's transition route to be higher up, giving the attacking team free equal highground to the point upon exiting, hopefully to make it harder for the defending team to push up to after a mid capture.

-Changed one of the spawn transition routes to...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Ivory with a new update entry:

a5 was so bad I skipped it

Trying to make it so it's easier to take the point now after an initial cap, so the match isn't so one sided. Hopefully my changes help.

-Reworked the map's cliff-side flank by killing the divider building between mid & the flank. Now this ground offers open highground over the point in exchange for less cover to get around.

-Added some highground on the transition routes to mid near the map's connector section. This should help teams watch connector and spam out the point, while being a...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Ivory with a new update entry:

I got distracted by Medieval Mode mapping and now I finally made changes based on last version woaw


-Made the Sniper balconies bigger to make them less restrictive to players standing on them.

-Replaced the previous highground over connector with a brand new shack to cut off sightlines while keeping a tiny bit of the back area for cover. Previous highground wasn't really useful unless you were hugging the wall outside of denying connector, something which the new highground only offers up to people that can reach up there/buildings.

-Removed the second exit off of main's...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Ivory with a new update entry:

I got too much positive feedback last time so I quirked up some minor stuff to experiment.

(Update title is not a complaint just wanted to try some stuff out haha and I was a bit stumped to do anything major besides experiment, thank you for the warm reception to a6!)

-(Likely to change back maybe?) Rotated the far left spawnyard transition route exit 90 degrees to face towards the valley, this is to try and stop it from being the best possible for all spawn exits (unless pressured) route to take out of the spawnyard and hopefully see players take more agency over which specific...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Ivory with a new update entry:

I redid spawn stuff like a fourth time haha

-Redid the entire spawn building, spawnyard & spawnyard transition routes. All of these have been pushed further towards valley, to try and give all routes a proper equal split between the back-yard transition route options, compared to it feeling lobsided in the past.

-Added a basic propjump in mid to climb up to each team's main exit.

-Fixed a single railing clipping bug where I accidentally left an old playerclip brush so you could just stand on the air. Luckily no one noticed it so we...

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Oct 15, 2017
Aspennly updated Ivory with a new update entry:


-Reworked the spawn & spawn exits once again, this is to try and have players take valley more often, rather than having them be drawn to main like they were in the a8 playtest. To achieve this the furthest left spawn exit now faces into valley rather than into main, meanwhile the main spawn exit is now closer to the far left and middle spawnyard transition routes.

-Fixed various clipping issues around the map, such as fences you could stand on, roofs, & some fences.

-Streamlined block...

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