Is your map in this list?


L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
I'm all for getting my map, cp_basic_b4-1 tested by as many different audiences, and distributed in as many different venues, as possible.

This is the only step I'd anticipate having any difficulty with "You send me a link to your map in bz2 format." Maybe my "noob" is showing but isn't that a fast download compression? How does one go about getting one's map into this form?

It is a fast download compression. It is the file you put on the download server. It is much better than the bsp because if you have the bsp you need to upload to game server > compress file > upload to web server. It is much faster to decompress the bz2 then compress it for your download server.

Anyway, Grim doesn't run his server anymore but he does play on my server quite a bit. I know Engoldin runs his map on my server but anyone else can add their map to my forum and it will get added. I already run quite a bit of maps from here and I update my map list at least once a week.

As Engolden and others will tell you, if you communicate with me and build a relationship with our server, you can get a lot out of testing with us. If I know who you are and you have tested with us before, it isn't unreasonable for you to have us test 5 different versions of your map during the same week.

As of yesterday we have tested 366 maps, have 2465 unique rating contributors and 12961 map ratings. You can see them all here: