

L12: Fabulous Member
Aug 14, 2009
* Keeping the visual style consistent is important, in that we don't want anything out of theme or out of date. TF is a stylized world set some time in the 50's. Nothing modern, visually hyper-realistic, or overly "cartoony."
* Maintain character personality as much as possible with items. Hats should maintain the character personality of the wearer (heavy ushanka, scout batter's helmet, etc.)

So since when have earbuds from an iPod been from the 50's?
Since when has the demoman ever expressed interest in medieval weaponry?
What about a samurai helmet? A pimp hat?

I just don't get it anymore.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Bunny hats didn't exist in the fifties, and also the demoman is scottish and black, making him interested in big swords and pimp hats, and the soldier is into Sun Tzu.


L12: Fabulous Member
Aug 14, 2009
I just don't get why they would put these tips up on the very site that they accept models from which completely go against what they said.

EDIT: that sentence didn't even make sense

It is IRONIC how this is on the contribute site, which is the same site that they accept models that don't follow the tips from.


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
I think the core point is that Valve seems pretty willing to violate the art directive they lay down for everybody else when it comes to making a buck. That's different from "continuity" or even "backstory".

I can't wholly blame them, but... Just replace the headphones with a turtleneck... ;)


L420: High Member
Sep 13, 2008
I find it lame that they set down these p[rincibles before, and designed the characters so that the silhouettes would be the focus, and then make these silly hats. They just look so silly to me, and not the good kind. Thats just me.
Feb 18, 2009
It's called persistence of ignorance. It's like medi-guns and needle guns, self-building sentries and teleporters, 2 bitter rivals situated a few hundred yards away and fighting in between. Just because one thing doesn't quite fit the trend, doesn't mean the overall image has to be destroyed. Valve just used "earbuds" because its a iconic part of Apple and can be placed on each character.


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 4, 2009
^ I thought it was called "suspension of disbelief." :V

Yeah, there's so much crazy stuff in TF2 as it is (the very premise is pretty crazy in itself - two teams, somehow consisting of the same nine people, hired to destroy each other by two rival holding corporations that secretly control the world and just so happen to frequently build identical bases several feet apart - that one more little thing isn't too much of a worry to Valve.

That said, they do go a little far with the weirdness sometimes. The Triboniophorus Tyrannus (Pyro's brainsucker hat) comes to mind.