KatwithaKinit L1: Registered Sep 8, 2023 39 3 Sep 23, 2023 #1 I want to make capturing a control point cause BLU team respawn shorter, how do I do this?
HashBrosTrollsG L3: Member Sep 27, 2022 128 48 Sep 23, 2023 #2 You will want to add an output that adds a negative value to Blue's respawn when the control point is capped (note the grey output): Use "AddBlueTeamRespawnWaveTime" with a negative value (ex. -2). Upvote 0 Downvote
You will want to add an output that adds a negative value to Blue's respawn when the control point is capped (note the grey output): Use "AddBlueTeamRespawnWaveTime" with a negative value (ex. -2).
nesman master of fast travel aa Jun 27, 2016 1,510 1,305 Sep 23, 2023 #3 You set the respawn wave instead. Much easier to track between points rather than adding and subtracting seconds. I have mine placed in a logic_relay for better organization. So in my capture area, it looks like this. 1 Upvote 0 Downvote
You set the respawn wave instead. Much easier to track between points rather than adding and subtracting seconds. I have mine placed in a logic_relay for better organization. So in my capture area, it looks like this.