How big should a smallish CP room be?


L1: Registered
Apr 23, 2008
I am planning to have two CP's in rooms close together (on a beach). How large do you think the rooms should be and how large should the gap between them be?


L10: Glamorous Member
Apr 12, 2008
Depends on a couple of things, I guess. I mean, the first round, first cp in dustbowl is in a small room. But, how many CPs are you going to have, total? If you have a lot, then they shouldn't be miles apart. And what position are they in the chain? It seems that most of the stock maps have the distances between 2-3 and 3-4 be the larger ones, while 1-2 and 4-5 are usually closer.

Hope some of that made sense, heh.


L7: Fancy Member
Dec 3, 2007
There are a lot of variables involved in that question so it's hard to make an answer that covers every situation. But in answer to how far you should put the CPs apart:

The second CP should be far enough back that defenders can run to it from the spawnpoint and begin to fortify it before the attackers reach it.

Knowing that, you'll need to manage the distance from the defenders' spawnpoint to CP2, the distance from CP1 to CP2, and the amount of obstacles between either destination.


L1: Registered
Apr 23, 2008
i was hopin to make it like a Y with the two top points being cp's and the bottom end being a cp3. sortla like gravelpit.

EDIT: Just thought i would mention this problem i was having with hammer. I can't seem to click on anything on the 2d or 3d views. When i click on the 2d views nothing happens, and the 3d view just puts a small "x" in the center of the window and my mouse automatically appears their. This means i cant really do anything except move around. any suggestions?
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L1: Registered
Apr 23, 2008
nope, but if i do i can still move around.
EDIT: Problem solved somehow, it just started working again *shrugs*
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